OK, this one just makes me laugh! Power Pulse System

  • Just saw this on tv today and died laughing. Really? People think this works? Like the old toning tables again. The workouts they do on it could be done w/o the machine and get the same results.


    Has anyone tried this? I think they're taking off on the vibrating saddle thingee that Brookstone or one of those types stores sell. Their selling point is that "NASA uses this to train the astronauts in SPACE!, so imagine what it could do on earth!" Duh, that's cuz there's no gravity in space and they have to do something with the astronauts to engage their muscles.
  • Hahaha, and sadly enough - my folks has something like that collecting dust in their home. Circulation improvement I can imagine, and *maybe* the vibrations would help with coordination/balance and tone muscles at a very micro level - but yea, mostly it's just to watch yourself jiggle. (and of course, calling the device a "system" makes it seem like less of a one-trick pony)

    I'm surprised Rachel Hunter (one hot and more-realistic looking model, imo) stooped so low as to promote this, however. Oh well, I guess if they paid her enough for endorsement...
  • Reminds me of this machine my mom had when I was growing up. There was this wide belt you put around your backside and it attached to the machine and then you turned it on and it jiggled your butt!!!
  • Too Funny!!!!!!
  • Rachel Hunter has about 3 infomercials running at the same time....Supreme Pilates (I think), Mari Windsor pilates, this expensive vibrator and some face make-up...maybe she's out of work?
  • Quote: Reminds me of this machine my mom had when I was growing up. There was this wide belt you put around your backside and it attached to the machine and then you turned it on and it jiggled your butt!!!
    My Mom had one two and she would be 86. Tell you that things, even as crazy as that come back
  • I like how the before and afters look NO different except for the lighting and the fact that they are sucking in their stomach. Also classic is how Success Results on the tab at the top is spelled REULTS!!! nice............

    All this for just $600, what a steal, I mean, deal!
  • Quote: My Mom had one two and she would be 86. Tell you that things, even as crazy as that come back

    Yup. My mom is going to be 83 this year!

    What goes around comes around!
  • Those vibrator belt machines were in all the fitness centres when I was in my twenties . . . and people used to be lined up to use them . . . I'm 63. Hey, at least the belt went around the fat place. This new thing seems to be aimed at getting the weight off on the soles of your feet.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if passive exercise actually did work.
  • A $600 vibrator, eh? I'm sure I can find cheaper Although that one lady that was sitting on it did look pretty darn happy!

    The infomercial thing on the website had me laughing out loud - "just like a bellydancer!" Yeah - the belly dancer actually moves her muscles *herself*.

  • Hehehehehee hoooooohohohohohooo

    Funny... but really sad for the folks who fell for that and bought one
  • I just got a mental image of me on that thing in a sport bra and shorts. I don't think I will be buying one of these wonderful workout machines.
  • Lol, I also thought, well it is shaking her feet.

    My best friends mom also had that vibrating belt thingie that went around her butt. LOL
  • Does the model in the exercise forum realize how ridiculous she looks? What the heck? I swear, I know I would love to believe in a quick fix, but anything in life worth having is doing to take HARD work, not sitting on a machine in an weird position letting your butt be massaged! My goodness!