How The Heck?!?!?!?!?

  • Is it possible to gain five pounds my first week, but go down a pant size???
  • hmmmm Maybe you lost fat and gained muscle. When losing weight, the scale may not always be the best way to measure your progress. Just keep at it!!!
  • Did you exercise a lot, that may have built muscle that is heavier than fat. Be sure to get your water in, that will help with water weight in the beginning.
    Good Luck!
  • No I didnt exercise at all!! I just stuck to the points (and didnt go over). I dont understand. I weighed myself at the same time as I did the first time, and I am heavier!! But I can fit in pants that I couldnt at first!! I am going to drink more Water!! This is so frustrating!!
  • Could it be that time of the month ?
  • there are several reasons to show a gain on the scale

    TOM - that one does it for me. sometimes I fluctuate 6 or 7 pounds right before I see "aunt flo"

    Not all low point snacks are low sodium. When I first joined WW and started eating healthy I discovered exactly how much even tiny ammounts of sodium effect my body.

    Get enough water? I've actually bloated and gained on weeks that I have eaten tons of veggies and done loads of excercise - simply because I didn't get the water in.

    The first weekly weigh in was not too impressive either. I wasn't used to the schedule (I have a lunchtime meeting). I chowed down on lunch and drank a liter of water right before weighing in. I could have kicked myself fo that one -lol.

    The point is...The scale is one small part of measuring your overall health. Try to focus on the fact that you fit in smaller pants, and keep on going

    I weigh between 137 and 140 pounds on any given day. At 5'6" you might think I'd be a size 8-10ish....but no. I'm actually a size 2-4. A far cry from the size 32 (310-315 pounds) I used to be. Weight isn't everything. *hugs* for your committment to a healthy you.

  • What were you wearing when you weighed the first time?

    ...and the 2nd time you weighed?

    I always weigh myself NAKED. Always in the morning, after my shower, before breakfast. AND NEVER during "that time of month"!!
  • Were you on the same scale?
  • Yes, I was on the same scale, same type of clothes, and same time of day.

    HOWEVER, I did not take into count TOM!!! Maybe that is it. I am not too sure, but I think it might be sometime in the next 5 days or so.
  • Thanks Ladies!!