I Want To Lose My Weight

  • I have been trying to lose weight for about 3 week's. I lose 5 pound's the 1st week and know i feel i'm not losing. I walk a hour -3 miles a day. I eat better. No fast food and candy. I'm eating snack bar's from slim fast. One of my habit's is my diet pepsi. I NEED TO KNOW IF I'M DOING THIS RIGHT. I'm 200 pounds. and i would like to be 150 pounds.
  • Don't quote me here...I may have totally screwed this up....but i was having a conversation with an in-law and he said that he knew this doctor who was with a group of people doing a study on diet and regular soda.

    He said that if you drink regular pop with a meal, you store 25% more fat from the meal than you normally would if you would have drank, say, milk or water. On the other hand, if one drinks DIET soda with a meal, you store 50% more fat than you normally would had you had something else to drink. I found that sooo shocking! I've since thrown away ALL soda, including diet.

    Like I said, I'm not sure if I got the numbers right, but I do believe it. We all know diet pop isn't good for us....and we're still trying to figure out what exactly the detriments are to our health.

    True, there are no calories or fat in diet soda, but think of all the chemicals and crap they put in there. That stuff was not made to be put in our bodies, and I'm pretty sure it screws with our bodies in a not-so-good way.
  • Haleysmomma, welcome! Some people drop a lot of pounds the first week and then not so much after that. Others don't lose much in the first week, but keep on losing. It's just a matter of time, so be sure to watch your foods and keep up with that good exercise.

    Many of us here use the FitDay tracker to keep track of our foods and exercise. It's free if you use it on the Web. Search for FitDay. There are other calorie trackers you can find, too.

    I agree with LaBonita that any kind of sodas like Coke, Pepsi, even diet ones, aren't really good to drink all the time. I don't know about those fat storage numbers--I have drunk some diet drinks in moderation over the last couple of months and still lost weight. But the key is moderation and not all the time. I also drink 64 to 80 ounces of water a day.

    It's hard to say if you are doing it right unless we know more about what you are eating, like your plan, total calories per day, and so on. So, share with us if you feel like it.

    Good luck!

  • Welcome Cathy!

    Glad to have you here! It's so tempting to want to lose weight very quickly, but the truth is weight takes time to lose, and we all just have to be patient.

    Congratulations on your five pounds! You are making good choices by eliminating the candy and fast food. As others have said, replace the Diet Pepsi with water which is much better for you.

    This site has MANY, MANY tips to help you with your weight loss plan. Just keep reading!

    You can do this!

  • Hi, I have read if you are at a plateau and use artificial sweetners, like in fat free and diet products to cut them out because it may be adding to your fat. If you google HFCS or artificial sweetners and weight loss you will come across all kinds of data.
  • Make sure you are drinking a lot of water too. One of the biggest mistakes ppl make is drinking diet soda's alone. They think that's close enough to water. But its not. I have tried giving up all soda. From what i've read diet sodas are sooo bad for you. Also be patient. It doesn't happen overnight. Start monitoring you eating habits and take it one day at a time.