New chick here

  • Just wanted to put out my first post on here. I'm new to this website but not new to LAWL. I'm joining again tomorrow for the 3rd time. I called the center today and have an appt for tomorrow. I'm nervous for some reason. I think it's because I don't want to spend tons of money this time. My first time joining I paid ALOT and my 2nd time, they gave me a great "restart" price. But I'm in a different state this time and don't know what to expect. Maybe that's why I'm so nervous. I'm going to a new place and won't know anyone there when I go, unlike the last two times.
    I'm hoping that they have a restart program here because otherwise I don't know if I'll join. I just stopped going to my old center in June, so I still have all my old materials, just need that accountability.
    Anyways, that's a bit about me.
  • Welcome!!! Well, you definitely made the right choice by coming here. This website is an AWESOME form of support!!! Whatever you decide to do, at least continue to come here.
  • Good advice Kate..

    Welcome JL.. What Kate says is important.. Even if you don't officiall restart the program, you can think of this forum as your "accountability".

    I've been on the program since September and have seen a lot of great results.. But recently, my resolve and determination has been flagging and I found myself losing focus.. The ladies (and other guy) here have kept me going and really have put me back on track.

    Stick with it and I think you'll be happy..
  • JLem - Let us know how your appointment goes and best of luck. A number of us on this site no longer go to the COD (at least I won't pay them any more money so until I get to goal, I'm on my own, then I'll go back for maintenance stuff). What made you quit the program the last 2 times?
  • I quit the first time because I got pregnant and then I joined back a 2nd time after my son was born and then I stopped going because I moved across the US and had too many life changes going on that I didn't have time to focus on that. Now, since I've moved I've gained 10lbs, and still need to lose the rest that I didn't. My goal is about 50lbs at this point. I'm just nervous that I won't be able to sign up today because of the cost and I know I can do the plan on my own, but I need something a bit more than that.
    I use and started my exercise routine back up, but the accountability is what I'm lacking in. This site seems like a great place to start, but I need just that little extra. Plus, we're moving again in 6 months, so all I want to do is sign up for 6 months while we're here, not a whole year. Hope it goes well. I'll check back in afterwards.
    Thanks everyone!
  • Welcome ! I hope they will accomodate you!
  • Welcome JLem! You will find these chicks here to be an awesome source of support. And when you move, we'll all still be here for you!
  • so, I joined! I'm so excited! I got a great deal, and the ladies there were so nice. Much nicer than my old COD. Whoo. I start my take off on monday. This is my early b-day gift to myself!
  • Jlem - to the group and on joining! We look forward to chatting with you!!
  • Welcome! Just jump in on the friends & losers thread, that's where most of the daily chatter and support happens. Good luck on your journey!
  • Welcome!! You'll find great support on this board.
  • JLem - Congrats and welcome!