Have been missing in action, but now glad to be back!!

  • I have been lurking every once in awhile, but haven't been posting much. My weight sort of exploded when I went off Weight Watchers, which I thought did ok but got tired of counting the points, etc.

    I have finally gotten my act together and am losing on my own by eating three good meals a day and then drinking lots of water in between meals.

    I have also decided that looking to far into the future goal wise is not smart for me because I don't see any end in sight. I have decided to revise my goals, at least for the short term.

    I am excited by the challenges, and would like to lose 20 pounds by January 1st. I am not counting calories or points or anything, just finally trying to be smart and make good choices.

    Good to be back!


  • WOOOHOOO! Your back and you surely were missed!! I too struggled the last few months and had a nice gain. A bit sad, but it's life and the important thing is...am back and am going to get there. nothing gonna stop me now. Welcome back..and know that we'll always be here.

    Since the two of us have struggled for the last few months, let's make a personal pact to really end this year with a difference. I want to feel good again, and I haven't in months. I want energy again and I want the darn scale to moooove. So, let's start the New Year lighter...we can do this.

    I still sound like an infomercial..LMAO!!

    Welcome back Elaine..

    250/Was 188/Now 204/165
  • It is good to be back. I have difficulty realizing that every stressful situation doesn't necessarily have to mean a weight gain. I guess that is just one of those things I will work with my entire life.

    I also am enjoying the freedom of watching what I eat without counting calories, or fat grams or points. Let's face it, I know what to eat and what needs to be eaten in moderation. It is merely putting it into practice!!!
  • Elaine, I have missed you. I missed your insight and intelligence and wisdom. How did your sister make out? How is work going?
    I am glad you are back.
  • My sister did have a major stroke(she turned 37 this week), but the odd thing about all of this is that the neurologist thinks there is a possibility she might have had several mini strokes starting as early as her teens. I can remember times when she would complain about blurred vision, but by the time mom would get an eye appt, she would be fine. She is currently doing speech therapy, has some trouble with numbers but is really doing pretty well.

    Work is interesting. I am in the library this year even though I have no library skills whatsoever. Makes it a challenge, but the kids are great!!!

  • Welcome back teach :-)

    I was as suprised to see a post from you as I'm sure everyone else was to see one from me...haha :-)

    Glad you decided to come back, and you've decided to work it out on your own...now I don't feel like the only one that's not on some big-time plan... just trying to do what I should have been trying to do all along... eat what my body needs, and learning when to stop :-)
  • My major problem has always been out of control eating from about 4 (after school) until bedtime. I have decided to try eating three good meals and day and limiting snacking to just an every once in awhile deal.

    I have tried to convince myself that eating three good meals a day and simply not eating between meals is the best way for me. I did get up during the night hungry and ate 2 pieces of lowfat turkey lunchmeat, maybe not the best choice, but certainly not as bad as it could have been.

    I guess this is just a battle that we each have to attack in our own way!!!


  • Welcome Back!!
    Glad to have you back!! Finding a plan that works for you is really the biggest part of the challenge. I am with WW now and I think this may be the plan for me. I can't seem to do it on my own, I give myself WAY toomuch freedom and before you know it I am gaining again!

    Glad to have you back!!
  • teach..so sorry to hear about your sister. That must have been very stressful and nerve-racking. But the good part is, she is doing much better now. 37, so young. Keep your chin up, I think your idea of 3 meals is an excellent one. It's not the meals that really "hurt" us, it's the inbetween eating. Keep up the water too...