I know I ask a lot of questions....

  • I know I'm asking a lot of questions but I'm going to the Bahamas in April and I want to look smashing! I want to wear a skimpy dress and have my Dh's eyes pop out.... any ideas other than staying on plan that I can help with my WL? I'm seen people lose like 60lbs in 20 weeks... I want that plan....

    We are going on a cruise and I know the food will be unreal (second time cruising) how do you handle being POP when you are on vacation? Are you able to put your weeks on hold so that you don't end up losing a week?
  • I went on a 7 day cruise in June. I weighed 229.0 the Friday before I left and I came back then next Monday (10 days later) weighing 235. You can watch all you want, or you can enjoy in moderation. I chose to enjoy anything that I couldn't get at home. After every day being fish, fish, fish, and most of that with buttery sauces even though it was "spa fare", by day 3 I was done and just decided to enjoy. I did start each meal with a big salad and ate until I wasn't hungry anymore instead of until the plate was clean. I figured if I got hungry in an hour, there was always someplace to get something to eat. And there was.

    I think the most important thing I did was to plan on TO when I returned. We arrived home Sunday and I started Monday morning. No putting it off, no thinking about it, just did it. I lost 5.4lbs that week, and the rest the following week.

    Also, I told my COD when I signed up that I had this vacation already planned. They told me I could put that week on hold. I have also heard of others who were unable to do that. I would talk to the COD about that right away because I think it might give you more leverage. If they say no, ask to speak to the manager. If they still say no, you coud bring it up again as a condition when you buy your next portion of lites.
  • One of your biggest obstacles at first is going to be wrapping your mind around being able to eat so much yet still loose weight.. So get over that fast...

    Next, exercise does amazing things.. Walk as much as you can.. up stairs, around the block a few times.. Whatever it takes, do it every day for thirty minutes.. Or consider joining a gym.. My wife just joined Curves and loves it. Because this diet plan works to increase matabolism, exercise will only help that along, thus helping you burn off fat faster..

    DON'T CHEAT.. DON'T CHEAT.. DON'T CHEAT... The menu plans are built that way for a reason, if you sabotage yourself, it will throw your body off and slow the weight loss.

    I travel a lot in my job.. For overnight trips, I make sure to pack along veggies and fruit just to make sure I get my servings in. It's easy to stay on plan when you're on vacation.. Just make good choices, remember to eat plenty of fish and chicken, stay away from as much processed food as you can and stay away from the buffet line.. Unless it's a salad buffet..

    Finally.. Don't expect overnight miracles.. You WILL see weight loss right off the bat, but as I've found out, there are peaks and valleys. And when that happens, it's easy to become discouraged.. But instead of reaching for a bag of chips, reach out for support.. You pay your COD a lot of money for their help, take advantage of it..

    Oh, and don't cheat!
  • WendyVan - We ALL want that lose 60 lbs. in 20 wks. plan! But in reality that is the exception and not the rule. As a matter of fact, 2 lbs. a week is the consensus on healthy, long-lasting weight loss.

    These are my tips for you:

    1. Stay On Plan!!! Work it and it will work for you. When you get stuck, consult with your COD or come here and ask questions. I'll bet every person on here has hit a plateau at one time or another. The important thing is to not let it get you down and quit. DOn't comfort yourself with food when the scale doesn't go in the direction you expect. Have faith and keep with it.

    2. Get some exercise. Do some moderate cardio - treadmill, elliptical, bike, walk, whatever. Get your body moving! This will help you lose inches and feel so much better.

    3. I don't know how much you have to lose so it's hard to say how close to your goal you might be in April. Every body is different and everyone loses weight at a different pace. Some lose steady every week, some lose 3, gain 1, lose 2, etc. What I can tell you is that you are moving in the right direction. Just think to yourself, if you weren't following the paln, how close to your goal would you be in April anyway? Even if you don't hit some magical number on the scale or fit into a precise dress in time for your cruise, for SURE you will be closer and you will both look and feel better.

    4. As for staying OP on vacation. I can't say I have personally tried to do this but a girlfriend of mine who lost 35 lbs. on WW 2 years ago went on an Alaskan cruise this summer and stayed very close to her maintenance plan. She also got up every morning and jogged around the deck to off set any over eating. My guess is that once you have been doing this for a few month that even if you "cheat" on your cruise, it won't be anything near what you would normally do if you had not been retraining yourself for months.

    Good luck to you and remember that this is a great support system with folks going through EXACTLY what you are. We will be here to listen to you, encourage you, and give you a kick in the hiney when you ask for it.

  • I am going to Jamaica in April. We are getting married there, and I will be taking a couple weeks off from work. I was also told by the COD that they would put my weeks on hold, until I return to work. Hopefully, your center will work for you on that too! I can say that after almost 4 months of being on LAWL, I have learned to eat healthy. So I am hoping that even though my weeks are on hold, and I am enjoying myself, that it will be easy to pick healthy options, and still allow myself some splurges. Have fun in the bahamas!!!!
  • Katie - Are you the one going to Negril? My husband and I went there for our one year anniversary/honeymoon. It is awesome. We stayed at an all-inclusive resort and really enjoyed ourselves. You'll love it.
  • Wendy - first, remember that the food will most likely have much more sodium than you are used to. I always make sure that I drink a lot of water when I'm away.

    I try to have just a salad with a little protein at lunch. I choose the fat free dressing and use it very sparingly. (most resorts offer at least one fat free version now)

    Also, try to get some exercise in. I start out gung ho, but taper off by the end of my trips, but at least I've done some.

    Lastly, don't beat yourself up about eating or drinking something not on plan. Try to make the best choices you can, but still enjoy yourself.
  • Kim makes a very good point.. The big thing to remember is that this isn't your typical "diet".. It's a lifestyle switch.. We still have to live and do the things we enjoy. You will learn very quickly that the lifestyle choices are easier than you think.. I've been able to get along without multiple beers and french fries pretty well.. Once in a while I "feed the beast" and pay the price.. But the good news is that I now know how to lose any extra weight I put on, whereas before, I had no clue..
  • Wendy

    Welcome.. there are a few of you so we'll have to coin you a nick name.

    As wonderful as it would be.. losing 60lbs that fast would likely not last. I know people that have done Bernstiens and lost that amount very quickly.. they are all now carrying that weight back and some extra.. and also having a hard time on a new plan of eating. 2lbs a week is what works.. it's slow yes but it's the best way. If there was a way to do it faster, someone would be a billionaire.. you may find that 30lbs is a huge difference, then 40 and so on.

    Enjoy the journey.. you will look fantastic!