Featherweights - what's your story?

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  • I'm New Here
    I just joined today. I have been overweight all my life. I lost 65 lbs many years ago. Unfortunately, I have regained and lost it several times. During the last 10 years or so I have managed to stay within about 15 lbs of my goal. I turned 55 last month and am tired of being a yo-yo. I would like to become healthier and stop always needing to lose 10 or 15 lbs. I seem to find it harder and harder to eat as I plan. I am always starting over

    Enough of my sob story for now. I look forward to giving and receiving much support. Thanks for listening
  • Sara: Sounds like a good plan! Cute screen name by the way.
  • GramTX
  • I've found a home!!
    Back in HS, I was a dancer and gymnast and a muscular 115 #s. By 18 (thanks to birth control), I was up to 125 or so. When I got pregnant with my first son I was 127 and had no idea I would be waving goodbye to bikinis forever. I hit 181 by the end of the pregnancy and even though he weighed near 10#s and I breastfed, I stalled at 165. I've managed to bust butt and lose SOME of the weight between babies, but despite gaining less with each one, I still got to about 180 and then stalled at 165 everytime.

    Two years ago I changed everything and finally got going on the weight loss. I got down to 132 in about 6 months and was fit and toned. I did pilates, counted calories, cut carbs and sugar dramatically, ate whole grain stuff and ran 5 or 6 miles a few times a week. It was awesome. I really thought it was a lifestyle change, and didn't worry about gaining it back, since I never had any dramatic weight gain when I wasn't pregnant. Well, I started gaining weight last summer and I'm more than halfway back to where I started (165#). Despite best intentions I hover between 145 and 150. I have been under a lot of stress and usually tell myself I'm too tired to workout, and I'm a chronic sweets snacker.

    It's not just my weight that bothers me. My body is WRECKED. I do not have a stomach, I have a mass of stretch marks. I think I could be happy at my current weight and size (8), if it was smooth, but it's a mess. I want to loss as much as possible so I can get it fixed in a few years. Sometimes I've thought, maybe I should just be fat, because they didn't look as bad, but at least when I'm thin, I can look good clothed. You know my husband doesn't care, but I DO!! I want to have no fat on my stomach, just the skin, so that when I get it fixed they take as much ugly as possible. Someday I want to have a belly button again!!

    Hope you don't mind chatty people! Nice to meet ya'll!
  • Testing
    Sorry, I'm quite hopeless technically. Am testing to see if I managed to put a photo with my profile. Thanks for your patience.
  • Hey all, This is the third time I've ended up on a diet. I was a pudgy teenager and had a family that loved to eat, esp. binge eating to deal with emotional issues. At 19 was finally around 125. (I'm 5'3) and felt great. I lost a bit more in college and worked out fairly consistently. Then I had wee babe number one and ate constantly. The snack box at work was a primary source of nutrition and I was constantly trying to get enough protein. (I wasn't eating emat at the time.) After wee babe one the lowest I could ever get was 151 (Down from 178) Then 18 months ago, along came weebabe number two. He was a strapping lad and luckily I only gained 35 pounds. After he was born, at a svelte 178 I eventually whittled down to 151 again. I gained five pounds back and since joining 3fcs I've lost two. The things that have worked for me are very strenuous short work outs (stepping vigorously in front of the TV for half an hour), yoga, trying to engage more actively in playing with my children, going to bed early (I eat like a crazy horse when I'm tired.) trying to add things to my diet rather than starving (superfoods for example) avoiding meat, eating whole grains and trying to keep some balance. Also keeping crappy food out of the house always helps!
    Good luck everyone...it helps to have simpatico co horts. Also, it's hysterical to be ina group called the featherweights...a first for me!
  • ralfetty
  • I'll go ahead and introduce myself even though I'm more of an observer than a responder.

    I was not overweight most of my life. Throughout my childhood and adolescence I was very active from being involved in sports to just riding my bike everywhere. It was after my knee injury (3 knee surgeries in 2 1/2 years( that I became more sedentary and started my unhealthy eating habits. I started gaining weight in college but I was pretty much in denial of my weight. My main problem was I would eat when I was bored and didn't have anything to do as well as eat late at night (typical of a college student).

    The event that finally got me out of denial of my state was while I was in California in the summer of 2002 for an internship. I had gone to Yosemite to go horse back riding and they had to weigh me to make sure I wasn't too heavy, talk about embarrassing.

    Well, that following September/October (I can't remember exactly) I had it. I felt gross, my back hurt, my knees hurt, I was tired all the time and on top of all that I had GERD. So, I got off my fat butt and took a walk, which lead to jogging which lead to healthy eating and not eating junk food and coke.

    Since then I've lost about 37lbs. I'm not sure exactly how big I got but I'm guessing 190lbs and I'm currently 153 and wanting to get to 140. I eat healthy whole foods, portion control, planned healthy snakes like fruit or nuts. I also do PUSHtv strength training 3 times a week and get in at least 100 minutes of cardio a week. But, I don't jog anymore because I was having too much knee pain so I walk or do any other physical activity that doesn't give my knee too much pounding.

    So, there you have it. I look forward to observing the posts here and maybe I'll have something informational or helpful to say. If you would like I'm adding some links to before and after photos.

    Before Photo 1
    Before Photo 2
    Current Photo 1
    Current Photo 2
  • I've been overweight for 2 or 3 years. I just can't seem to get rid of these extra 20 lbs.
  • Hi I'm new here and I guess this is where I fit in. So here's my story.

    I'm 5'7 and I was 117 when I joined the military at age 17, after getting on birth control I was 124 a year later. My last year in I gained 20 due to stress from work and lost 10 of it when I got out. So I was 135 when I started having kids. I gained to 170 with our 1st girl in 2003 (normal birth) and lost it all back to 135. I gained only to 165 with our 2nd girl in 2004 and since then I keep stalling at 148. However with her I had to have a c-section plus with it I had my tubes tied and I swear that is partly to blame for my weight loss troubles.

    Now I'm today at 148 and I really want to just get back to 135 so I can feel comfortable with myself again.
  • hearthgal you've come to the right place...
  • HI,

    I have been a lurker here for a few weeks and decided it was time I introduced myself.

    I have felt that I was overweight since I was a teen though in retrospect I was not - just pear shaped with a big hips. So I have been trying to diet and exercise for as long as I can remember. I really felt great about myself when I was in grad school when I weighed around 125. However, after that I slowly gained weight a few pounds every year. When I got married I was around 135. When I had my first kid I put on 45 lbs or so. I used to walk a lot and settled down at 145. With my second pregnancy I gained 40 lbs but did not lose much afterwards. Last december we had gone to Bahamas for a vacation. I was really disgusted with the way I looked in the photos - I was wearing a size 16 pant - my biggest size ever and I could not fit into many of my pre-pregnancy clothes. From Feb 15th onwards I have started down on my weightloss path again. I have been exercising, eating healthy, and getting a better handle on portion control. I have lost 13 lbs in the last 3 months. I still want to lose 18 lbs to get down to 130.
  • Welcome BabyFat! I'm with ya. I can't seem to get the baby weight all the way gone. I got really close a few years ago, but have gained about half of it back. I never gained weight when I wasn't pregnant before and I DON'T LIKE IT!! Good luck to both of us!!
  • So I guess this is where I belong. In high school, I was not the skinny kid, not ever. I am a weight now, I never saw growing up, I just went right passed it. That is something I am so proud of. About my junior year in high school I went into the doctors for a physical, my chart was left on the counter. Under first impression it said "obese” Now I understand that is something they have to put down on paper, but not to leave in front of the easily influenced teenage girl. (I’ll add my disclaimer, no one really new how big I was due to the baggy-ness of my clothes)

    Well that was when I was set out on a mission. My senior year I took up lacrosse and running, the pounds didn't just roll off, well not till college. When I started college, I decided to take lacrosse more serious. Made the team, I started as defense, but when the goalie shattered her thumb for a shot on goal I decided to step in. Turns out I was pretty good. So I stuck with it all four years. Most people gain the freshman 15 well I lost the 17-year extra gain of 30 lbs. My junior year of college I was in my best shape. 132 and the fastest distance runner on the lacrosse team. Since graduating college in 2004 I gained back about 15-(somedays)20 lbs.

    I am a much happier person when I am happy with myself. So I joined a gym and I am back down to the 132, I even saw 128 one day but I had been sick all week so I don't think it counts but it totally felt amazing!!! Well I'm trying to get a few more off. Even though I know I look so much better I still have issues with feeling comfortable in my own skin, so I would like to.

    My new running goal - marathon. I started training in January for a half marathon on May 27. My next hill to conquer will be the complete marathon in September. Who knows I might get hooked on them.

    Well that’s my story,

    Good luck to everyone with those last few pounds, I know it's hard because your body doesn’t seem to want to change, switch something up and maybe it will work!!!!
  • Hi everyone -- I'm not quite sure if I belong in featherweights...like another person said, I sure don't FEEL like a "featherweight"...ha...that's hardly what I see! But anyway, it's the forum that I think fits me best so here we go.

    I've always felt overweight, since I was a kid and my parents (even though I knew I was chubby) would say things to me about how I should think about working out with them and losing weight....even when I was probably 12. And shouldn't a 12 year old be given a break? I don't know, but it was always a problem, not being overweight but just chubby until about my junior year of high school. I went on Atkin's hardcore, didn't eat a single ounce of bread for a year and a half, didn't eat a lot of anything, and lost about 30 pounds pretty quickly to get about 135 or so. It felt AWESOME. I felt normal for once in my life!

    Then I got my first "real" boyfriend, and I think we know the story from here. Happy fat! All 30 pounds of it. And since then it's maybe yo-yoed back and forth 5-10 pounds or so, but at 19, in my 3rd year of college, I'm right back where I started in the low 160s!

    So my goal is to get back to the high 130s/low 140s. I think it's the most natural for me, since I do have a natural pear shape and I will ALWAYS have a fat butt. Even when I was 135 I had a fat butt and thighs. So whatever! I just really want to work out every day and get myself healthy for next year of college! I can't wait to talk to all of you to keep me going...!