How to determine a good goal weight.........

  • It's come up in alot of the chat threads about how we are all aiming for a certain weight goal, so I thought I would post this link. I had mentioned to someone, how do you really KNOW that your goal is your goal - that is, what is it based on? I've seen articles state that aiming for our high school favorite weight or pants size is unrealistic, as is putting too much emphasis on your BMI number, the old 100 lbs plus 5 lbs for every inch over 5 feet, etc. You really have to know your body composition before you can figure out what's real. So here's a link that explains the math behind choosing a weight that's really achievable, w/o doing your body harm. It may require an investment in a bodyfat analysis from your gym or a body fat scale, but this just made SO much sense to me, and I wanted to share. Oh, and as my friends on the LWL forum tell me, you have to re-assess during your weight loss journey, because you will also lose things like fluid as your body stops hanging on to so much as you become thinner. So your goal weight today may shift a bit lower as you drop more weight.
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  • I've read that before and just wanted to say that I chose a goal weight that I think it good for me, for my body type and what I know I will be comfortable at. But I have always said that once I reach that goal that I will re-assess because I may want to go even lower than the 160 goal. But for now I feel that is a comfortable, "right", weight for me. I too think it is unrealistic to think I will ever be what I was in High School. I know that won't happen and would never aim for that. Your body changes too as you age and have children, or mine has, lol.

    Thank for sharing that!