Trying to get back on track

  • I was doing really well for a while. I lost more than 50 pounds and thought that I had made real headway into a lifestyle change as opposed to a diet. Then I got a different job. Suddenly I was working 12 hour days and had an hour and a half commute both ways. I ate when and where I could. Going to the gym was impossible since it was only open until 8pm and I wasn't getting home until 11. Then I got transferred to a store that is much closer to home but is located smack dab in the middle of a mall food court. I smell food ALL DAY LONG. I gained 40 of the pounds back.

    As of Sunday, I am getting back on track. I have been to the new gym I joined (that has much more accomodating hours) 3 times. I've gone horseback riding twice (the one thing I didn't give up when I fell off the wagon!) And I've eaten very well all week (Lean proteins, veggies, and fruit). It's going to be much more difficult this time with all this temptation literally right outside my door, but I am committed to doing it this time. Our next girl's weekend is at the end of May. I plan on being back at the weight I was at that time last year.
  • Hey Steph, I know what it's like to lose and then gain again--heck, a lot of us do, here! And all I can say is, you're doing the right thing now. Good for you for not waiting until all 50 have come back. Hang in there! Don't let the food court grind you down! You know that's not the best for you anyway!

    Good for you for joining a gym. That's made a big difference for me, because by gosh I'm going to get my money's worth!

    Good luck! Glad to see you here!

  • I know temptation, I work in a family owned old fashioned burger joint. I love it there, but it is the reason I have packed on so many pounds. Now, I have my really bad days, but I have my really good days, plus some in between. My best advice is to bring healthy alternatives to the foods that are around you. Find something that tastes just as good, but is better calorie wise, if you can't find a healthy alternative then stay away. MY personal best rule is If I crave it really bad eat a piece of fruit wait 20 minutes if I still want it then I allow myself to have half a normal size portion. Good luck, I wish you the best!!
  • Hi Steph!

    Weight loss is hard work, and I think that to really do it successfully we all need to be a lot more nurturing of ourselves! We need to put effort into our own selves just like we put effort into our jobs and our families. Too often we end up putting our own needs at the very bottom of the list. More often that not we never GET to the bottom of that list!

    I'm finding that successful weight loss requires me to be kind of selfish in many ways. Taking time FOR ME is a relatively new thing. I have had to learn that I deserve time for myself to do what makes me happy. I have spent a lifetime helping everyone else to be happy and have found that I really needed to learn about myself! I needed to learn what I really needed and what things made me happy and successful. I needed to take time for myself.

    For a whole year I woke up at 4:30AM so that I could walk for a couple hours before work. I did this so that MY SCHEDULE wouldn't get in the way of anyone else's in my family. I was getting only four hours of sleep a night, burning the candle on both ends! I was NOT losing any weight and wondered why. I read an article that said that to lose weight you need to give your body the rest that it needs. Not getting enough rest stresses out the body, and it goes into the same survival mode as when you don't eat enough calories each day! Needless to say I felt REALLY DUMB and started trying a different plan!

    My point is, we have to be kind of selfish (or SELF-CARING!) in order to make this happen -particularly if we have a lot of weight to lose.

    We can all do this. We just need to get our heads straightened out and not be so tough on ourselves!

    Take care!

  • I appreciate all the support! I have scoped out all of the healthier food options at the food court so if temptation gets too great, I'll head that way. Today I went and got edamame and a fresh fruit cup. It's amazing how much more productive you are after lunch if you haven't eaten fat and grease!