Bad news, good news

  • Ok, the bad news is that I binged again last night. The good news is that it wasn't nearly as bad is it could have been or has been. About 3 hours after dinner I wanted a snack so I had some light ice cream and salad (which I know is a totally weird combination but I wanted chocolate and I needed some more vegetables for the day).
    I have a bad habit of binging on cereal (I have eaten a whole box in one sitting before without even thinking twice). I wasn't hungry after my snack but I got that old familiar craving for cereal again and unfortuneatly gave in to it. I ended up eating about a quarter of a large box of apple cinnamon cheerios. Probably a good 500 cals. GRRRRRRRRRR! I ate very light the rest of the day so I ended up not going over my total limit of calories for the day, but that's not really what upset me. What upset me is that I went back to my old ways. I'm just starting out trying to beat my binging and I know the first weeks are the toughest, so I guess I'm glad that I stopped it where I did. They were also generic apple cinnamon cheerios and I read the ingredients and there was partially hydrogenated oils in them! The label said 0 grams of trans fat so there had to have been less than 0.5 grams in a serving, but I ate about 5 servings so that's up to 2.5 grams. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!

    Tonight my bf wants to go out for dinner. The restaurant we're going to has this amazing angel hair pasta with marinara sauce which I assume is pretty healthy because it's just tomatoes, garlic and basil (unless they do something sneaky like put a lot of olive oil or butter in the sauce like restaurants tend to do). The only problem is that, like all restaurants, the portions are gigantic so it'll be hard to eat just a normal serving. But I can do it! My bf will probably order and appetizer as well. Hopefully he orders the clams or something I don't like so I won't be tempted to eat it. If I'm strong I can still make it a healthy meal. Wish me luck! Thanks for letting me vent!
  • ejenk, I'm sorry that you lost a bout to the binge monster! I know from experience that it's a terrible thing to find yourself out of control like that.

    The good news is that acknowledging your slip up may help you to avoid future and larger ones! I hope that you have lots of success with this in the future.

    BTW, I don't mean to sound cold, but could you please put a warning in your title if you're going to mention specific foods in your post? There are several here, myself included, that try to avoid mentions of "trigger" foods when we're struggling with controlling our cravings. There's just something in our psychological makeup that makes us want those foods even more when we see them, read about them, or hear others speaking about them or about having them. It helps us to control our own binge-monster if we don't see/hear these temptations!

    There are many foods in your post that have triggered my hunger for carbs and sugars, and those are both foods that I'm desperately, desperately trying to avoid. I know that there are specific threads for confession of these foods, and hope that you don't mind either warning us or using those threads.

    I wish you the best of luck tonight at your nice dinner and in the future!

  • Barb,

    I'm sorry! I'm new here and I didn't realize that I should putting specific foods in could trigger someone else's binge. I saw other posts with the warning but I wasn't sure why they had to put it. thanks for your info and support, I will definitely never let it happen again!
  • Hi ejenk,

    I can really relate to the pain (emotional and even physical) of giving into a binge.

    cereal is a HUGE binge trigger for me. I can't STOP at one bowl, ever. I've tried. Even stopping at 500 cal worth would be an accomplishment for me. So, I don't ever buy cereal. I delete it completely from my diet. ANY food that makes me does not enter my house.

    I have a suggestion for going out to eat and dealing with the huge portions. Ask for a "to go" box when you place your order and request that it is brought out with you food. When you get your food, scoop out half, or whatever quantity is too much, into the box. This REALLY helps me control portions in a restaurant. GOOD LUCK and best wishes for a fun, binge-free day!
  • i'm sorry that you gave into temptation. i also don't bring in my temptations. i have given up all foods with flour it has been inlightening to say the least.
    don't let this get you down look at it as a learning experience.
  • What is about cereal that gets a lot of us?

    I have destroyed boxes and boxes of special k and cocoa puffs in the past!

    Sorry you binged, but way to have a postive attitude!

    Hope you have a really great dinner!

  • I know what you mean. I slipped back into some bad emotional eating over the last week. To make matters worse, I am near TTOM, so my emotions are haywire.

    I'm trying so, SO hard to NOT give up.
  • Thanks for all the support, you guys are great!!! i'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with a cereal fetish In case you were wondering how dinner went, it could have been better but overall I think it went pretty well. I didn't have any bread and olive oil that they put on the table, I had a small salad with balasamic vinegar (and left most of the crutons) instead of eating some of my bfs appetizer. I ended up eating all of my dinner, but the portion wasn't as huge as it could have been. Probably about 2 cups of pasta and 1/2 maybe 3/4 of a cup of sauce. Then I didn't any of the caramel cheesecake my bf had for dessert despite his numerous offerings. I was too full from the pasta! I wish I wouldn have left some of the pasta (I'll definitely have to try that doggy bag trick, thanks!) but overall it was a pretty good meal. Thanks again for your support!