New to 3FC forum

  • Good afternoon! I'm not exactly new to 3FC, as I signed up sometime last summer, though I didn't get to be on here very much at all. Due to hectic schedules, etc., I have been unable to come back until now. However, this year is a year of focus for me! I need to lose 110 lbs total; however, the goal that I'm going to focus on this year is to lose 62 lbs. This will get me back to "one-derland" (199) and then I will re-focus my goals at that time to get to my ultimate, long-term goal.

    Anyone who is willing to help me along is so very much needed and appreciated! Doing this alone is sometimes daunting, but I know there are probably many nice folks here who have either "been there done that" or are on the same journey. I welcome any and all new friends who will encourage me to stay the course this time. I will certainly try to do the same for you.

    Start weight 261 (1/3/07)
    Current weight 258.5 (1/9/07)
    First short-term goal: 250 (by 3/18/07)
    Mid-term goal: To lose 62 lbs by 1/07/08
    Long-term goal: Getting down to my married weight, 150, sometime in 2008

    Have a blessed afternoon, and here's wishing all of us a successful journey this year!
