Here we go again!

  • More bad weather for the west coast of Canada! It snowed most of the day, and its slowly turned into a huge huge downpour! Enough with the bad weather!!!!! I am ready to go for long walks and runs to get some of this christmas weight off, but the weather just won't co-operate!

    Keep your fingers crossed for me that this rain/snow stuff stops soon, the water is getting higher and higher and approaching my door and may soon invade my house. When I got a ride home from work I stepped out of my friends car and landed in a puddle ON A HILL (how is that possible?) that covered my shoes completely. ewwww!

  • I thought about you and Linda in BC when I watched the news tonight. Crossing my fingers that you guys catch a break!
  • That rain must really be coming down! That's a lot of rain. I've only seen it rain so hard to see something like that one time. I live in a subdivision on a hill and our house is at the top and our lawn had about two inches of water... it was raining faster and harder than it could drain down the hill.

    I hope you get some relief very soon.
  • I pray the weather gets better for you..
    I would love to take some of that snow off of your hands..
    I live in Alabama... Its been a LONG time since we have had a good snow..
  • Quote: I live in Alabama... Its been a LONG time since we have had a good snow..
    Wasn't it like 1993?

    I hope the weather shapes up for you, soon, Aimee.
  • I'm sending you good weather vibes! I love looking at pictures of snow, I even love playing in snow when I'm away on trips but I don't like snow coming to Georgia!
  • Yep it was 1993 . My 11 year old has never really got to play in the snow..
    I would love to have one last good snow while all my boys live at home.. My 18 year old will go off to college this fall.. I just need one more Kodak moment I guess..
  • I don't know that we always get to play in our snow either.. it's always SO wet and you get soaked to the bone. Most people use an umbrella when it's snowing, heh.

    It looks like it's almost gone! It's extremely wet out, lots of puddles. And it's supposed to be warm for most of the week, yay! Those good vibes must have worked!
