Ab Lounge

  • Do you have one? Please share your experiences in this thread
  • Talk about a SPACE HOG!!!

    I did feel the exercises in my abs, but more effort (imo) was required to do curls on the AL than on a regular stability ball.

    It's certainly not a 'junk' gadget, but it's kind of pricey and big for what it does.
  • It definitely does take up a lot of space. And it's kinda awkward shaped and can't be stuffed into a corner or anything very easily.
    I use it quite frequently though and am happy with it. It's the "sport" edition. I have problems with back pain so I usually have a hard time working my stomach out but the ablounge made it a lot easier for me.

    On a side note, I wouldn't have bought this myself (because I really would've assumed it would hurt my back too much to use) but my mother-in-law bought one and didn't use it anymore so I figured I would give it a try.
  • it is BIG, and does NOT "fold up easily to slide under the couch or in a closet"......when I tried to fold it up, I forgot to unhook the center cord, it snapped back and hit me smack-HARD on my forehead...it will make a nice deck chair.
  • we have one, my mom got it for me as a birthday gift, i've used it a few times and really should use it more, but i am just now getting into the swing of things again...

    i agree that it is big and bulky

    i dont love it, but i dont hate it either, it does make crunching a lot easier, but i have to wonder if i'm doing it right
  • I love my ab lounge!! I had a car accident back in 1998 and ended up with soft tissue damage done to my back. I started out doing 25 "crunches" on mine and now I do 200 each day! With out that I wouldn't be able to do it at all. And I can definitely tell that it really works the abs. At least I am seeing a difference. So Yeah, even though it is big and bulky I still love it!!