New and In for the Challenge!

  • Hi all,

    I meant to post this in Hot and Healthy Challenge Chicks 1/1/07.

    I've been lurking around here for a few days and since it is now officially 2007 and I actually have the computer to myself, I figured now is as good a time as any to start in! I posted this on the Intro page but this page is more what I am looking for. I like the idea of challenges and weighing in once a week. Accountability is a good motivator -- oh, and trying to lose 5 lbs. for a dancing carrot isn't too shabby either!

    Some quick info on me -- I'm 46 (how'd THAT happen??), have three kids (D-16; S-13; D-10), and work PT. Most of my life I've been pretty steady on my weight until I had kids. After my oldest was born I lost everything w/in a year of her birth. When my son was born, he was small but not a preemie but instinct said something was wrong. I gained 10 lbs. after he was born munching out of worry on sunchips! Turns out after 6 1/2 yrs. of numerous doctors he was dx'd with ASD (autistic spectrum disorder). Won't go into details but let's just say that almost unbearable stress, worry, and frustration just became a way of life. I managed to lose all but those 10 lbs. Three years later my youngest was born. I have 15lbs. on from having her plus another 15 for good measure and so here I am needing to lose 40 lbs. I did lose about 18 lbs. three years ago. I went back to school to finish my BS and was really busy but worked out a lot and really tried to watch the food. Unfortunately, I've gained it back. So I'm ready to start in again.

    Just wanted to give an intro here. This site seems pretty supportive. I'd love to know what exercise routines some of you follow. My exercise usually consists of a mix of the following: treadmill (incline broke but I use it flat); we have a Total Gym which isn't broken in yet, I have a dog -- she's the BEST -- that I walk several times a week, and I have FIRM tapes and some Billy Blanks. I was really in the zone w/exercise in the fall then broke my toe (third time on this toe!!) and was out of commission for a month, then Christmas and all so I'm kind of starting over on Tuesday. Was contemplating buying Core Rhythms or maybe YogaBootyBallet. Anyone tried them? Also, how much should I be walking? I actually ran a whole mile once but that was b/4 the stupid broken toe (thanks to a husband who "forgot" to put the ladder away and kids who think cleaning their rooms means leaving everything in the middle of the floor! !) I was up to walking about 3.8-4.0 mph for 2-3 miles 3 or 4 times per week, but after reading many posts I'm thinking it's just not enough. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    My goals:

    1. To exercise 5 days a week. (is this enough?)
    2. To cut way back on processed foods and keep total calories at 1300-1400per day.
    3. To stop eating anything after dinner unless I am really, truly hungry. (This is by far the biggest problem I have. It's pretty much the bulk of my weight gain. Anyone else have this problem?).

    Ok, I've rambled on enough. I look forward to meeting you all and finding some true buddies, inspiration and support. Hope everyone had a good New Year's!

  • hello welcome this is a great place to be
  • I lost 5.5 pounds this past week. I ate, I walked, I didn't eat after supper.. I could hardly believe it when I got on the scale this morning. It was sheerly effortless. I have a two large cups of coffee in the morning (oh my stars, I have to have it with Splenda), a fruit shake in the morning with yogurt for breakfast, Lean Cuisine for lunch (cause its easy at work), another shake mid-afternoon and then supper. I normally have a small snack as well.. and I do drink a minimum of 80.oz of water every day.
