PIC~Partners In Crime 2007

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  • Good job on getting 3 of the kittens homes.

    Curly I don't know what you can do other then keep trying. Are you going to get them fixed if you can't find homes?
  • well i see they brought one back... the tabby, I kinda had a feeling that the guy who wanted her... wasnt too devoted to pet ownership. but at least he just snuck her back... LMAO

    val if i cannot place them within a month or so I am going to contact one of the rescue groups and see if they can take them and gray gray , shes reversed as far as wanting any human contact... at this point I am thinking that I can handle keeping Peachy ( from the 1st litter and a mom now) and the siamease and will have both of them spayed. lol that will give me a total of 5 cats!!! 5 chickens and 1 dog.. hey I am outta balance I better get 4 more dogs! NOT!
  • I found a home for Earl Grey and Latte together! I'm so pleased I really wanted to keep these siblings together.

    I am going to miss them though!
  • I would be happy to send you 2 or 6 to take their place.... ya know just dont want u to be lonely...

    the oddest thing happened at work... this lady comes up to me and Iv'e never meet her and she says.. we havent met, I am a big girl also and I just wanted to tell you how much I envy your legs! ???

    I was like fabergasted... I just said OH thank you they have a lot of miles on them LMAO
  • Hey Ladies,

    Happy Independence Day to you all!!!!

    So we'll be getting our sattelite connection soon!!!!!!! We mailed the down payment for the equipment and installation yesterday. They said it takes about 10 days for the equipment to arrive and I don't know how far in advance we have to schedule the actual install work. I'm just sooo excited lol... I had to dl a 54 meg file- would have taken 11 hours here, but I did it at work and it only took 6 min. I told Lee, and we pretty much made the decision right then.YAYYYYYYYY I can't wait. hehehe...

    Curly~ GJ keeping on track with your 4th of July goal. You got further than I did lol! But, I've stopped gaining finally. I'm taking my meds again, and eating much better. Lee's dr. told him he has to cut the carbs and lose a little more weight, so it's much easier here now. He's realizing how tough it really is to cut the mashed potatoes, rice, pasta & bread etc...hehehehe... I started Dr. Phils book yesterday... is that one that you have read? How's your opinion?
    How is the cat population there? Any luck with placing more of them?

    Val~ It's awesome you got homes for your little charges! And together too. I tell ya, the 3 strays that found us are so much fun to watch. They all play so well together. I can't imagine if they ever had to be separated. I hope things are going well there for you.

    Have a safe holiday all!!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSSSS
  • ehhh I was down... i am almost afraid to get on the scale as i am sure its back up... for some reason i just cant seem to get myself together... and have "zip" for energy..............

    well the guy brought the lil tabby back.. i kinda knew when he took it he didnt have the patience for a kitten... but I have someone who wants one of the peach ones... lol as soon as i can catch it.. i didnt move outta my chair last weekend... something ate my baby chicks and when I was cleaning up the cage, I ended up stepping on a board with 4 nails in it and my gracefull self.. ended up with 4 nails in my foot... so i spent the weekend hobbling around and soaking my foot... its fine now tho..

    lets see what else is new... umm I am going back to college starting in sept. I am gonna do my classes online I need 15 more for my BS in social science. It will be a big help cuz a 4 yr degree counts for 2 years of work experience with the state of maryland so I will be able to jump from a agent trainee to an agent II. tho I have fretted over the fact that I will have to take student loans... but I dont have to start paying them back till I graduate.. and the payment amount isnt too bad...

    i sure hope i find some energy soon... I dont know if i am just tired, lazy or its menopause or what but I sure hope it passes soon... lol

    i think my favorite diet book is "protein Power" by michael eddes he is high protein which automatically ends up being low carb...

    yes I am gonna have to de-tox myself from carbs yet again... hey maybe that my energy problem... those nasty evil carbs!
  • Hi Chickies!

    Had A Nice Walk This Evening... Walked Down To The River And Chai Took A Swim... Haha I Guess Since He Was On His Leash That Meant I Took A Wade Also... Walked Home With Squishy Shoes! We Probably Only Walked Two Miles But Gonna Try To Get Back Into My Walking Groove..

    Enjoy The Weekend!!
  • lol curly. Next thing you know you'll need a bathing suit for walking him heheheh.

    Still waiting for my sattelite....

    I ran into one of the owners of the store that is buying our store, and they want a meeting with me. That's a good sign -isn't it?? have a great sunday ladies!!!! hugsssssssssssssss.
  • Hey girls,

    So..... my victory today was going to Santa Rosa with Lee, and not stopping to eat until after 1pm... (***this was not the victory, it was just plain not smart). I was so hungry lol. We went to Red Lobster and when I was given the choice of : Mashed Potatoes, Baked Potato, French Fries or Steamed Veggies.
    Drumroll please....... I chose the veggies!!!!!! And then, I even ate them! heheheh.

    hugggssssssssssssssss to all the PIC's!

  • all the little things add up!!!! way to go for making a better choice!!!!
  • Hi Curly and Dee!

    I'm back from door county WI. I have to admit I was pretty bad on the eating. Hopefully I won't have gained any weight. I did go swimming everyday.
  • did ya have some cheese curds?
  • hehehehe cheese curds. Makes me think of that Potaine (or however it's spelled)....... that stuff looks nasty!!!!!

    STILL no sattelite yet... grrrrrrrrrrr. I hope it's soon!

    I talked to one of the new owners of the store today. Well... the papers STILL haven't been signed yet, but it's happening soon if all goes well. I've worked with him before and he told me not to worry about my job as they all know my work ethic. I feel a lot of stress gone now. I'm looking forward to the change

    I have to go back in for another A1c soon ... dr. mentioned last time he may try putting me on insulin cuz my numbers just aren't low enough. I know it's up to me, and I know exercise and diet could make all the difference but I'm tired, depressed and stressed and, frankley Scarlett, I don't give a damn...... have you guys heard of Byetta? I thought I might ask him about it. If I get my sugars under control, I think I'll have a better go at the weight loss, etc.....Maybe I can use it to jump start the process then go back on the oral meds??? I dunno- all I can do is ask right?!? lol. Anyways, I'll keep on trying. (I think I'll be getting access to a health insurance plan when the new guys take over too!!!!) One more LESS stress

    Happy mid-July to you wonderful PIC's!!!!!

  • message for dee
    I saw Iwmonn (can't remember correct spelling) was asking about Byetra (that spelling may be wrong as well). I tried to send her a private message, but she's got her settings to block them. Could you let her know that our Captain's wife is diabetic, went on that and LOVED it? Not only was it a great diabetes drug for her, but she lost a ton of weight. I'd heard talk of them experimenting with it for USE as a weight loss drug. Anyway, just sticking my nose in, maybe where it doesn't belong, but I thought I'd offer that view. Thanks. Mary in WV
  • Thanks Curly! And Thanks to Mary in WV also. I've been reading up on it and it really sounds like something I want to look into seriously, assuming I'm a candidate for it. I've also heard of the weightloss benefits too. It's pretty costly tho- but in the long run, if it does the job it's worth it.
    Oh, and i fixed my pm'er. I dunno when that got changed

    Sattellite guy comes TOMORROW!!!!! But, I don't know if it is automatically a wireless connection... I guess I just assumed, and you know what they say lol..... Lee thinks maybe we need to buy extra hardware. I want to sit on my porch and surf!!!

    Val~ Did you do a show?? lol... it's been soooo long. Anyways, I hope it was a nice time.
