The 5% Club - How is everyone doing?

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  • Hello All!

    I've been on a bout of rotten depression for the good part of this month. Not quite sadness over my dad, but a lot of apathy - A LOT. I have gained a good 5 lbs and my house is pretty darn GROSS. I've been doing a lot of self talking - not all of it positive and I don't know if I am out of this yet or just acknowledging what is.... I've never really lost anyone close to me - let alone a parent, so I am trying not to be too hard on myself. That said I really could use a kick in the butt!!

    GD4good - Welcome. Sorry to be such a downer. I'll try to make more of an effort to catch up and get with it,...

    I have so much I want to do. Now I need to just get myself to a point of actually DOING.... Spring would certainly help, but I don't want to wait til then to start. Glad to see that you are all keeping up! I know that a trip to the gym wouldn't kill me and may actually help. Hopefully I will make it there today.

    Happy Friday
  • x
  • YOU ARE A GOOD WOMAN JUNO!!! Thanks for the PEP. My dad wasn't always the best person, but the more I think of him, the more I am learning about him, the more I can accept who he was to me. There are days I go with out tears then I realize I haven't talked to my siblings either and I wonder if I am avoiding it. I don't want to fill any voids with food, and I think a part of me has been doing just that. Hibernating, watching TV and EATING too much. I'll convince myself that the hour I spent in the gym justifies just about anything else I do and for someone needing to lose weight that is the WRONG approach to take.

    I need to just take it one day at a time for now. I am going to go to WW Thursday and see the damage - consider it a fresh start.

    It is snowing here in MA, so a trip to the gym (located at the top of a big not well maintained hill) is out at least until this afternoon.

    I shoveled so that's got to count for something. I am working on keeping a food journal. And there's that stability ball I bought 2 weeks ago that is in some serious need of use.

    I will commit to 6 days of food journaling for this week and go from there.

    Happy Monday!

    Hope all of you are feeling FRESH!
  • Sorry I have been MIA! Hopefully this week will bring about the fresh start and a bit of calm around me. The oldest son is done with hockey which made a big dent but we still do have a few for the younger one. A co-workers sister died (which made work quite hectic) and the stinking blizzard that hit this area!! It is 5 days later and they really still haven't plowed well enough to go out for the morning walks without us being afraid of falling (even with super tread/warm boots). So that is the sum of my last two weeks - chaotic.

    So I was off track for a bit - last week was the first time since the new year that besides the morning walks - I didn't make it to TB or workout at home. Today I worked out a bit in the morning, did a short walk, and then worked out tonight. I am hoping that I truly can get back on track with that. Food was horrid because it was tournaments, hockey season-end parties, eating out with friends......good choices with most food just often too much. Ate a healthy breakfast of scrambled egg whites and veggies which just made me start out happy and feeling I made a step in the right direction.

    Abs- Snow!!Weren't we both just talking about spring?? I was so enjoying the 30 degree weather and this morning besides the two feet of snow to battle the stupid wind was freezing my face.

    Juno - I will just live vicariously through your vacation this month I need one and I do think we are going to plan a mini weekend with friends. And it will be in a warm place!

    GD4G - I lived in IL for years and graduated from college in Chicago. Walked the magnificent mile every day from school to work I do miss it sometimes since we moved to MN but for the most part - like it up here better. I did lose about 40/45 pounds several years ago and have been great about keeping it off until this year. Changing jobs made 15 pop on so fast it makes my head spin. And the effort to get it back off is so hard compared to when I would go up 5. Part age, new job....I need to find even more ways to be active at home.

    Shorty - I imagine you are out running a marathon with that stroller ))

    I think one reason I have been so uninspired just the past month is that I am a big reader and read Self, Shape, More and several others and always find stories that make me push myself harder. Well thanks to HOCKEY I haven't had a moment to read. I sat down last night and started catching up so think that my normal life will return. Mine both have no sports until summer. I told them they can do whatever they want (skateparks, bikeparks, skate etc) but nothing organized so we can all have some downtime. One is going snowboarding this weekend for the first time at a real hill

    Okay off to another hockey game......really really looking forward to the end! And I said no to two volunteer things for next year that would have been really big. Figured I am giving myself a bit of space to get me back together!
  • I have made it to the gym 5 x this week. I logged my food all 7 days and I didn't lose a pound. Shocked I tell you.... BUT I am going for it this time. I am NOT discouraged. I know it's the cumulative that I am looking for and persistance will pay off.

    Depression is still an issue, but I am managing. I wish all the estate stuff would be done and then I feel like we could move on. Can I make one recomendation to fellow 5%'s and any lurkers.... GET A WILL --- For the sake of your family. It's fast (I just did ours) and it cost us $200.00 . I will not leave my kids in the situation my dad left us in....

    Rant over. I am off to Pilates OR if I don't get in, an upper body strength session. My weekly goal is: 1 swim, 2 spins, 2 runs, 2 strength sessions. I registered for the Danskin Tri for my 5th year, so I need to get focused. My sister and I have a lofty goal of hitting (or breaking) the 1.5 hour mark, so I have a lot of work to do.

    Finally - We are getting 18" by tomorrow (it hasn't started yet and I am already fretting). I know it won't be around long, but SPRING is really next week... I want GREEN. I want to be OUTSIDE. I really HATE winter!! (sorry Juno).

    BTW - Juno, I made the most delicious Brocoli soup this week. FAT FREE - SO GOOD ! Chilli is tonights fare... I am into feeling satisfied. VEGGIES -- love um....

    Steph - My girls are skaters so I know the joys of sitting in a cold rink for hours. Competition season, however, is just beginning for us. I am hoping to crack a few books - my mom just gave me Suite Francais which I can't wait to start@

    Happy Friday! Let's set some goals ------
  • Hi, everyone,

    So much to catch up on! Sorry I've been MIA. We went to San Diego last month and then I came back to a lot of catching up...lots of work, a new nanny, and all the rest. My in-laws just left so I'm getting back to real life.

    I've been cooking up a storm, and though it's all whole foods, not exactly the low-fat variety. So I'm back to light and yummy breakfast and lunch, and a little heartier dinners, but still good portions and high nutrients.

    Exercise is getting better and better. I've now got a three day a week plan: walking Saturdays with a partner (although she's about to have a baby), Tuesdays running on my own, and Thursdays I walk the girls to preschool. If it rains, not sure what I'll do on Thursdays. We'll see if they'll put up with the wet.

    I'm still losing weight, but I know that's all the nursing. Iris is getting more intersted in solids so I have to make sure that I'm not counting on that for much longer.

    goingdown4good - welcome! So much fun to have a new person in this group!

    More later when I have time to catch up. I'm STILL not getting emails. I should bug someone about that.

  • Let's not fall off the page...

    So - Here it is April and the weight is SLOWLY SLOWLY coming off.... Tenths of pounds rather than whole numbers, but my resolve is still there. I am NOT giving up! I have a 5 mile race May 27 and I plan to RUN the whole thing. Of course it would be nice to be a little smaller by then and hopefully the body will cooperate.

    My goals are to continue journalling, eat less, and stick to the training schedule... Danskin is 16 weeks away, but it will be here before I know it!

    I hope everyone is HEALTHY and STRONG! Check in when you can!! STAY 5%

  • Every time I tried to get on in the last couple weeks something came up. Like just now someone walked into my office and said "3 Fat Chicks - whose that??" But I will finish a short post!!!

    Absmom - mine is the same way. It is coming off but in small increments every week rather than by the pound or two. I started running with a friend 2 times after work and then running with another on the weekend once. Our fitness classes ended here so we decided since we had made it all that time that we could continue doing something together twice a week. She has run many 5K's and I will be attemping my first one sometime before June. We haven't officially signed up for one yet!

    I replaced my office chair with the stability ball and after a week of people coming by and laughing - two more women brought their balls in also. It is much more tiring to sit on the ball every day but I'm willing to try it just for the abs!!

    Food - pretty good. Volunteer stuff comes to a crawl now. I get to spend a lot of time outside as the weather gets nicer! Just trying to keep active!!!
    My big thing is making time for some strength training and a bit of yoga/stretching. All about pre-planning!

    Have a great end of April!!!!

  • Steph - Great to hear from you !! Run Run Run.... AND SIGN UP for your RACE. It really is amazing how your motivation / committment changes once you've paid for your number!!

    I have a 5 miler in May and for the first time in MONTHS I ran 3 miles straight (no walk) I am going to continue to add a half mile until the race! It's also great training for Danskin. The run is always the hardest for me and this year I want to be 100% ready!!

    I have been so ON PROGRAM this week and really proud of my dedication. Why when I only have 1 more day to the week do I find that a Dunkin Donuts Oatmeal Raisin Cookie is 10 points!!! (480 calories!! UGH) Of course I checked after I ate the whole thing... my moment of weakness for the week....

    Good thing I have a 90 minute spin class an hour before weigh in Thursday!!

    Have a great WEEK!!
  • Thought I would hop on quickly to keep the thread alive.

    Okay Absmom - my goal by the end of the day is to sign up for a race. We were bummed because we probably have to go a bit out of the area because there isn't anything in May or June right around here but there were some in April. I probably couldn't have run the whole thing then but should be able to in about two more weeks. I have run over two miles and it is getting easier each time. We pick a farther landmark for the first segment of running every time and then we have been able to increase every other segment too. My foot was hurting for a bit but is all better now.

    I still walk in the a.m. and am trying to spend more time doing strenth training and would really like to get back into yoga because I really felt that it just made me feel leaner. Need to schedule it all in and then I can stick to it.

    Okay - a lot of work piled up on my desk. Still struggling with portion control but still have faith that someday it will click!! Last night was at a potluck and I don't know why I ate too much. It's not like I never get to go to Potlucks or that they will ever end!!
  • Hi All,

    I was a member of this group back in 1999-2000, and you may recall that I disappeared after my husband died in April of 2000. At that time I pretty much forgot about everything diet- and exercise-wise, and gained back everything I had lost in the previous 6-8 months, plus a few more...

    I remarried in 2003, and have been doing pretty well on a personal level. On a fitness level, however... I've done a few stints with Weight Watchers, but really never got back into the swing of things, and whatever I lost I gained back. Exercise was like torture.

    I've been looking inward, looking at my patterns, what makes me tick. I came to the realization that I have a serious issue with processed foods. When I eat them, they are all that I crave, and I don't know when/how to stop. I don't even want to eat foods that are good for me, they're too much trouble.

    So, I quit cold turkey about a month and a half ago. I've had nothing that contains processed flour/sugar since that time. I decided not to weigh myself, but to judge only by listening to my body. Since that time, I have more energy, I don't need as much sleep, and I'm learning how to recognize when I am hungry and when I'm full. That last bit sounds silly to someone that has never had this kind of issue, I'm sure, but I know that this is the case for me. I've also gone down one size, almost two. I'm beginning to start walking again, and I'm looking forward to hiking on the trails I used to know so well this summer.

    It's good to see the old familiar posters here, and I look forward to "seeing" you all again in future posts.

  • Hi All - I hope the sporatic posts will continue. I can't check in every day, but every few weeks is nice to catch up. Juno - WHERE ARE YOU!

    Hi Sheyl - I do remember you and glad to see that you are back to taken care of yourself.... It's tough to grieve... Hope the walking is going well. The change in weather makes it a lot easier to get outside!

    Steph, RUN RUN RUN!! My 5 miler is NEXT weekend. The good thing is that I completed with only one short hill walk - a 4.5 miler on the TOUGHEST course ever. It totally kicked my butt - HOWEVER, I feel so proud of myself now for doing it. I was with my psycho runner sister who wouldn't let me quit! Gotta love that!

    SO I've been riding my bike - spinning, running and swimming. Danskin is 8 weeks away and on my current training plan I'll be the fittest I've been in years! Maybe I'll even have a new PR.... UPDATES will follow! I'll let you know how the 5 goes!!

  • Welcome back Sheryl! I agree with you on the processed foods - seems if I start up on them then it just leads to one bad choice after another. I really really try and limit them M-F (hardly ever eat them at b-fast or lunch) but haven't been able to go cold turkey but I do think it would make a tremendous amount of difference!

    Abs - running my 5K on June 9. Cross your fingers!! I have run the whole 3.1 miles a few times on the treadmill and done it once on real ground. I am running tonight and have a little over a week to prepare. I know it will be tough but I think on race day I will have adrenaline and will be even more worried about finishing!

    Okay - a lot of work piled up on my desk but thought I would check in.
  • Hi All - sounds like everyone is doing well! Good luck Steph on your upcoming 5K, let us know how it went. Absmom - wow! You sound so full of energy! How did your 5 mile run go?

    My whole foods plan is going well, even during a trip last week to the in-laws, who are notorious sugar-cookers. I stayed well away from the poisons. In fact, my MIL was recovering from a bad attack of pancreitus, and was ordered on a low fat diet. Since her husband doesn't cook, I did most of the cooking while I was there: Low fat and non-processed. Brown rice, lots of veggies, soup, strawberries for dessert... and it went over quite well! My FIL asked "Why do they call this brown rice, as it looks pretty white to me?"

    A couple of days ago, a friend forwarded me an email that said this weekend there was no joining fee for the YMCA. I called another friend and told her about it, and she will join this weekend, also. Looks like it was meant to be, so I joined last night and had my first gym workout in I don't know how many years. I'm looking forward to getting back to enjoying it, but I'm not there yet by a long shot! Having two friends to motivate me to go will help, though. Getting there is 3/4 of the battle.

    I have to go get stuff together, we're going to Toronto for the weekend to visit with my step-son and his new bride. Have a good week all!

  • I survived the 5K I did pretty good since this was the first time I raced anybody since I was in track in highschool. I ran the 3.1 miles in under 34 minutes so I was proud of myself because I was thinking I couldn't even finish it in under 40. I did sign up for another one in August because of course now I want to do better.

    Sheryl - Hope you enjoyed your trip to Toronto. We are going away next week for 5 days and I can't wait. Need a vacation even if it is mini. Though I am sure there will be too much bad food and not enough exercise though I am going to try to swim and hike even if no one else will do it with me.

    We have been trying to cook healther even for dinner. Cutting a lot of recipes out, focusing on eating differently - the men in my house don't have a weight problem but their arteries will be thankful later.

    I haven't been doing weights or yoga as much at all so I am really trying to get back into that as all I keep reading is that the more muscle the easier it is to stay slimmer and fight off the fat. I just tend to do tons of cardio because I now have quite a few walking or running people I can call. Need to schedule the other excise in my schedule too.

    Absmom - Good for you on the 4.5 miler!!! How did your last race go. I must say I can't imagine a 4.5 miler.........thinking I would be a goner!!

    Off to work!