Need your Opinion . . . The Firm vs Turbo Jam

  • I have The Firm's Transfirmer system and I just ordered Turbo Jam (don't know when I'll recieve it) . . . which one is easier to follow? I know that with The Firm the steps were very fast and were hard to follow. . . there wasn't a period of teaching you what to do . . . is Turbo Jam anything like that?
  • Hi Sistah!

    Turbo Jam has a whole section where Chalene Johnson teaches you all the basics. You can do this as long as you need to to learn the moves. I stayed with it for a few days then moved ahead when I felt comfortable. The thing that I like best about Turbo Jam is the way I sweat and how much energy I have since I began doing it. It's fun doing all the moves, and Chalene repeats them in subsequent sessions, so you will soon feel comfortable. If you miss a few it's no big deal. You will get a FINE workout either way!

    I don't have The Firm, but I have recently added step aerobics (with Gilad) to my exercise sessions. I do a number of different DVDs to keep things interesting. I like mixing it up!


  • ugh the firm is soooooooooooo boring to me. I had the firm 4 pack and I stuck with it for 2 months but I never looked forward to it the way I do turbo jam!
  • Quote: ugh the firm is soooooooooooo boring to me. I had the firm 4 pack and I stuck with it for 2 months but I never looked forward to it the way I do turbo jam!
    TJ is easier to follow, imo.

    I didn't stick with it for too long, however, because I never really got nice and sweaty with them. (I like to to more kicking, and the vids seemed to have more punching.)
  • Turbo Jam
    I just recently purchased "Turbo Jam" and it seems like it is really fun and exciting .