emotional eating and ?

  • I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this, but the last few days have been really tough for me. You know the saying " you can't choose your relatives", well, that is so true.
    I've decided that to be sucessful with the weight loss THIS time I need to clear out some mental clutter and get healthy psychologically and physically. But sometimes the issues I have with my mother really throw me for a loop. I now see that all these feelings of guilt, rejection, anger, insecurity, and hurt have been why I turn to food. I have tried to establish boundries for myself to help me focus and keep the toxic stuff out. But asking her to respect my boundries is making me feel those same feelings. I know the food won't make this change. It will only make me feel slightly comforted for the moment, and then terrible later on for having binged. I really feel like I am figuring this out, and I don't want to eat right now. I just wondered if any of you are dealing with emotional issues along with the weight loss. I am determined to get through this but I feel so conflicted about what I need to do for myself. I just hate how this feels right now.
  • I think your awareness of this behavior is the first key to changing it.

    For me, a journal has been a helpful coping tool (not a food journal--a "feelings and goings-on in my life journal"--tho. I also use a WW food tracker).

    This is a very tough time of year, with pushy relatives, overwhelming food choices and no shortage of stress.

    Do you have forms of relaxation and self-care available in your life?
  • Thanks for the reply. I didn't really even consider the holidays being a factor. I'm sure that just magnifies exsisting issues. Today has been quite a challenge. I think I'm still within my calories for the day but it's going to be a battle till my eyes close tonight. Journaling is a good idea and I think relaxation and self-care is exactly what I need. I have to take care of me.
  • You can always look to me for self-care suggestions! I am the mani/pedi queen, tho. it does get costly to justify it. OTOH, you can't eat while you wait for your nails to dry.

    Take care...