20-somethings Unite!

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  • Welcome back, girls!! Thanks for following me over. As I've said, I hope we can make this a permenant place for our little group.

    Today... it was ok. I did well for breakfast, but the receptionist at work bought me a cheeseburger from Mc D's cause I was complaining about not having any monies! I didn't mean for her to buy me lunch! I woulda been just fine waiting til dinner. But it was awfully sweet of her.

    Then, for supper, my mom took me out. I ate quesadillas. I know... bad, bad seren!! But it's not often anymore that i get to go out to dinner with her. And she's wanting to get back on it too.. so that should do us some good, I hope

    I had plans for this evening to get my boyfriend to go biking with me on this "mini" bike trail through my housing area... but I forgot he had band practice tonight. (I'll get over it!!) I was willing to go by myself, but by the time my mom and I got home, it was too dark.

    And unfortunately, it's just *not* my week to lose weight. Its gonna make it more difficult to start out again on *that* week!

    OK! I've rambled on lots! So I'll let someone else speak now!

    Seren Dee
  • Hey there!

    No worries about today. . . just start tomorrow. . LOL I know we tend to say that alot. . but tomorrow really is another day. .

    I did well today. . I have plans to go to the gym tomorrow again and I'm working nights the next two nights. . so that'll kill any exercise plans cause I'm a lazy bum when I'm on nights!

    Talk to ya soon!
  • Hey everyone,


    I really miss you guys and the website... my schedule has been crazy this week and I am still trying to get adjusted to school. i haven't exercised at all this week, unless you count the walking around university campus in between classes, to the bus stop, to the book store, and... everywhere... i guess that counts, but it relaxes me to have a real workout with stretches and a nice shower afterwards. I miss that right now. i want to do something for myself...

    i've still been eating alright, but until my schedule becomes regular, i won't be able to get up that extra hour earlier to exercise.

    to everyone ((((((((((((((((hugs!!!!!!))))))))))))))))) and i hope you are all doing great!! if you're not, pick yourself up and ask "why am I not giving this my full effort? why is this important to me?" review your goals and why exactly you want to lose the weight. I try to do this daily and it has really helped me stay on track.

    Well, time to read some shakespeare!! (i'm not complaining, I love it!)

  • Hello Ladies

    Well so far I've been doing well on my diet. I haven't had any calorie-filled colas or greasy cheesburgers yet. However tonite I'm going to eat out. Hopefully I'll find something remotely healthy. Oh and as far as exercise goes, I go to very large university, which makes nice walking distance back and forth to classes and I have aerobics twice a week. I need to do more but its hard to find the time with classes and all. Well, ttyl.

  • Hey guys. . I'm back on track finally jumping with joy. .

    I've lost 2 lbs this week, guess there is something said for me actually getting off my lazy butt and working out again. I've been really trying to stay within my points as well. . .its difficult working nights and having a junk food filled cart sitting at the end of the desk. . but I've challenged myself not to touch it again. It never bothered me for 6 months and then I fell off the wagon so to speak a few nights. . well now its back on track. . . soooo close to goal I can feel it.

  • Hello everyone,

    I am a 24 year old female who has lost 33 lbs and has between 85 and 100 lbs left to lose. 85 according to my doctor, 100 according to me! I may change my mind when I get closer to goal.

    I am glad to see a thread for 20-somethings. I regularly post on another board and will continue to do so, but I hope to also start reading/posting on this one.

    I work full time at the university I graduated from and exercise daily (even if only for 10 minutes.)

    Talk to you all later,

  • hi
    Hi Kim, great to have you here. I too am 24, lost about 25-30 pounds so far and still need to lose another 30-40. Nights and weekends are my biggest weaknesses when it comes to food. Exercising I am doing pretty good at so far. Well welcome and glad to see that you posted.
  • HI Jeannine,

    Unlike most people, I have an easier time on weekends! (Because I get up later and therefore eat less). My day is less structured too, so I get to be more freeform as to when I want my meals.

    - Kim
  • Sorry, I've been away. This has been a very hectic week for me. It is nice to be back on the boards. The weekends are always more difficult for me because I seem to get the munchies. So the muchies were big time today. Yesterday I went whitewater rafting with some friends so I went over in points but I also got in quite a bit of exercise. It was so much fun but I am a bit sore today.

    It is nice to see new faces here, so welcome to all. I hope to write more soon. Have a good week.

  • Theme Park...
    Hello ladies,

    Well I haven't done so great yesterday(Saturday). I went to an amusement park and of course there is nothing healthy to eat there so I basically told myself that I would just splurge that day. I ate Chicken fingers and fries early on and a BBQ wrap and fries later that nite. But I ate both with diet coke I must say I had a great time though and of course did a lot of walking, so that was a positive thing. Oh, I've done ok today and expect to get right back on track tomorrow. Wish me luck.

  • Things are still not going well for me. I am up to 240 this morning. I haven't been up to that in well over a year!!! Geez, what am I doing to myself!? This sucks because I'm trying to be good and do what I should, but it's just not working!!

    I hope everyone else is having better luck than myself.

  • Hey guys, hope everyone had a good weekend.

    Things are going well with me, I'm officially with 6lbs (again) of my goal weight and totally remotivated. My bday is in 2 weeks and I'd like to hit goal by then I think I can, I think I can. .

    Did okay this weekend, despite it being Thanksgiving and eating way more than I should have. Oh well, today I'm back on program, gotta splurge once in awhile. I'm working tonight and tomorrow night and then have plans for the gym the rest of the week.

    Hang in there all, we can do this
  • Can you adopt me?

    Hi guys!

    Tell me that it isnt too late to join this group! I really loved your threads and they're full of motivation (a.k.a. what I've been lacking lately).

    Ok, my name is Sol, & live in Argentina. I am 19 (I know, not a twenty-something but I am close, I am close! just 8 more months, and if we count the 6 and a half months I spent in my mom's uterus, I am almostttt 20!). I cant avoid mentioning.. I've been engaged for almost two months now!! (can you see my face of happiness?! )

    After this yummy and calorie filled weekend my tyrannic scale reads 159 pounds. In these two years I have started college I have managed to lose 18 pounds just by wishing it hard . nah, i just hope it was that. Anyway, since I moved alone things are much easier and I am losing weight happily. However, I want to see 22 more pounds disappear from me soon so that I finally stop worrying about being chubby, fat, or whatever. I am 5 ft 8,9 btw, and my BMI is 23.78 right now. I want a 20.64 BMI.

    I am going to start a special diet. It is not a weight loss thingie, but a lil something I've been wanting to try. I'll try to make it short: in Yoga food is divided in to three categories: Sattva, Raja and Tamas. The ideal is to eat mainly sattva, some raja and avoid tamas. This is what i'll try because i really see the difference not only in my body but in my mind & spirit (as illogical as that could sound). That and also go on drinking 2 litres of water in one sitting somewhere during the day, and walking.

    Ok, ok, i dont want to bore anybody, and congratulations for all your paths so far!


    PS:Ahhhhhh and one more thing, I am a vegetarian! (and no, when i cant resist and eat some chicken anyway doesnt mean i forgot it hahahah)


  • Welcome to our thread Sol, we are happy to have you. . .

    Been a good day on program for me, I've walked twice, which I don't normally do when I'm working nights. . and stayed within my points, which is generally not a problem, although I did succumb to temptation last night at work and ate 2 teeny tiny chocolate marshmallow cookies Gotta live

    Anyways, happy Monday to all, and a big welcome to Sol!
  • Hi Sol,

    I am new here too AND I too got engaged recently!!!!! August 14th, when did you? I have a lot more weight to lose than you (80 according to doctor, 95 according to me), but weight loss is hard no matter where you start.

    Well, I am glad to here that everyone managed to survive the weekend and is still here even after splurges. I had the worst day in two months yesterday, but I am fine today.

    What type of exercise do you all do?

    - Kim