Planning for Friday, Dec. 1

  • Wow, December already! Time flies when you're, umm, trying to lose weight

    I blew it yet again last night. I stuck to plan all day and then had almost a whole box of sugar-free nilla wafers. It's great that they're sugar-free, but it'd be even better if they were calorie-free

    Anyway, on to today:
    • 5 breakfast turkey sausage links
    • oatmeal
    • leftovers from last night's dinner (whole-wheat couscous, chicken, black beans, diced tomatoes, sliced bell peppers, corn, and cheddar cheese)
    • dinner out (for a secret shop assignment):
      • egg roll appetizer (split with Jeff)
      • pecan-crusted trout served with arugula and almond couscous
      • dessert TBD (split with Jeff)
    If I'm not feeling adventurous enough to try the trout (I don't eat much fish, but I am willing to try new things when I'm going to be fully reimbursed for the meal ), then I'll get an entree salad.
  • Lesseee...

    B - 1 cup skim milk
    1 apple
    1 cup grapes
    1 big pancake. It the box...and the box had just enough...for one pancake and we ... sort of bought another one and I had to so that I could...have space. Yeah. That was the reason.

    L - 1/4 cup brown rice + roasted/steamed beans (a different kind this time!)
    1 8 oz container ff yogie
    1 banana

    S - 3 steamed chinese veggie buns

    D - leftover spaghetti (probably a 1/2 cup or so, not a lot)
    stir fry veggies with white rice? Sounds yummy so it's on there.

    Exercise: Briskly walked 4 miles. DONE! and in the rain! I'm so proud of myself... I've always given up when the weather was bad. Tee hee for me.
  • I am off my normal schedule today so it is going to be tough. Had to eat breakfast an hour early and my body is already clamoring for more food. Then I have a meeting this afternoon where there are sure to be lots of tempting foods. It's a social/hors d'oeuvre type event, so the whole purpose is to stand around talking and eating and, of course, hors d'oeuvre tend to be the worst food you can eat. Lately I haven't been doing so well at these types of events.

    Anyway, for what it's worth, here is today's plan:
    B - Go Lean cereal, soy milk, raspberries
    S - coffee with mocha splenda (yum!) and soy milk, maybe an apple
    L - Lean Cuisine panini
    S - depends on how well I do at this meeting this afternoon
    D - broiled halibut and lemon kabobs, turnips, green salad
    S - depends on how well I do my meeting

    Exercise: already done! one hour with trainer
  • I'm so unorganized today. I didn't bring breakfast or lunch, and I have no idea what I'm eating for dinner

    B: Honey Bran Muffin, coffee
    S: I didn't eat one
    L: Maybe a sandwich from the deli
    S: Box of Honey Nut Cheerios
    D: I'm thinking chili with some cheddar cheese
    Water: 3+ L
  • I know this is a little off topic, but what I am now doing for foods that are my weakness... is I take the time to wrap them in plastic and put them in a drawer. I take them out one at a time, and I NEVER allow me to take more than one out at a time. This staves off the need to take the whole box... it's not reasonable to take out 20 balls of gummy worms... it is a bag... but not twenty balls of 10. Does that make sense? Don't worry about the wafers, but take the time to put up safety nets for December and GOOD LUCK!
  • Quote: I know this is a little off topic, but what I am now doing for foods that are my weakness... is I take the time to wrap them in plastic and put them in a drawer. I take them out one at a time, and I NEVER allow me to take more than one out at a time. This staves off the need to take the whole box... it's not reasonable to take out 20 balls of gummy worms... it is a bag... but not twenty balls of 10. Does that make sense? Don't worry about the wafers, but take the time to put up safety nets for December and GOOD LUCK!
    I've done this before...but my problem is that I am a completely compulsive eater. Even when I sorted my containers of food into individual servings (usually in little ziploc baggies or Gladware containers), I'll still take more than 1 container. I don't typically keep foods like the nilla wafers in my home--I had purchased them for a specific recipe (which I brought to my coworkers, not made for myself!), and I just happened to have some left over. I can't just say, "I'm only allowed 1 serving." If it were that easy, then I would just as easily be able to take the whole box and say, "I'm only allowed to eat 10 cookies." It just doesn't work that way for me
  • I agree. My sis brings home sunchips and even though they're individual serving size packs, I can still manage to eat um...more than 1 is all I'll say.

    About yesterday. I OD'ed on food when I came home. I feel really bad. All that exercise gone to waste. I'm going to list everything so I have some accountability:

    1/2 a packet of shrimp crackers (asian food snack - NOT healthy)
    1 grilled cheese (no butter but did use 2 tsp of soybean oil)
    Dinner (stirfried veggies with white rice - ok this was healthy, but dang it should've filled me up by itself)
    6 steamed veggie chinese buns
    Approx 10 fried tortilla chips from a restaurant.

    Wow that sounds like a whole day's worth only that's what I had from 4 pm - 9 pm. SIGH. I was doing so well too.