How To Survive Thanksgiving?

  • I'm on my second day of Phase 1 and I am really worried about not being able to controll myself at Thanksgiving. Right now I'm considering 1 of 2 options. First, avoid Thanksgiving all together. Just stay home where there is no temptations but that means missing out on family time. And the second, eat senseably till Thanksgiving then start my diet the day after. This early into the diet I am really worried I wont have enough will power to say "no" to the turkey and mashed potatos.

    Does any one have a plan for surviving Thanksgiving? Any one else in Phase 1 facing the same delimia?

  • I have decided to enjoy thanksgiving. It is the only time I get to see some family members so I dont want to fret over my diet.

    No one knows that I am currently on the fatsmash plan so I will eat with them as a family and consider it my "cheat day"

    Because I dont do the cooking ....I will not have anything at my house after the feast itself so I think I will be able to get right back on track as soon as I return home.
  • I'm on day 4 of phase 1. I told everyone about my diet and my mother in law- who is hosting this year- is going to make some vegetarian dishes for me. I am also planning on bringing my rice with me to dinner. I might have a little taste of the turkey
  • I also decided to enjoy Thanksgiving. It only comes once a year. What I will do is just watch my portions and workout. SHess2004, you may want to jump back in to detox right after Thanksgiving and add maybe 1 or 2 days extra to counterbalance the turkey. I will do a week of Detox starting on Monday myself just to shake up my system.
  • Holidays and my birthday are cheat days for me, so I will be enjoying myself this Thursday. May even eat a turkey sandwich for lunch on Friday, but I don't know. But I will be enjoying food and carrot cake on Thursday, can't wait.
  • I am no longer on Phase I but if I were I would also enjoy Thanksgiving. However, even though I'm on Phase III, I will not be having any mashed potatoes. I will not be eating pretzels & chips (my son & dil aren't very creative). I just found a lowfat chex mix recipe (although I won't be using the fat free margarine since I only use butter when called for) so it will have some fat but at least it has fiber.

    I'm also not going to pig out like I normally would. Tastes of everything that looks good (& is pretty FS friendly - not sure what veggies will be around) instead of heaping mounds. I'll be bringing the chex mix, cranberry/blueberry dish, sweet potatoes and a dessert using Splenda.

    I'll be very careful about eating again after the main meal since we usually stick around to play games. That normally means eating again. I believe in eating several meals throughout the day and not just a huge lunch (it's weird when you're eating a meal at 3:00). So I'll have a light breakfast & snack, Thanksgiving meal & a light dinner.

    Back to FS on Friday. I agree that for those on detox you might want to add a day or more extra to the 9 days suggested.