Dieting with Diabetes- NOVEMBER!!

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  • New month, new thread!

    My how time flies! Thanksgiving is only four weeks away! The temperatures have cooled, the time has changed, and we made it through the Halloween candy, unscathed I hope!

    Join us as we endeavor to encourage one another.

  • We had about seven kids...that was all...last night. I am so glad I never bought any candy! I just got snack bags of chips. They seemed to like them too, so I guess it was a good idea. Best thing is there is no leftover candy to tempt me!

    Today I have errands to run, then tomorrow I head up to the mountains to work. Last night was stressful, with a few things that were going on, and my bg this morning was 144...gross! (literally! haha!) I am rather frustrated with that though. The Byetta is making me sick almost all the time, but doesn't seem to be helping much with the bg levels. I don't want to take insulin, and I would rather not be on Amaryl as it overworks the pancreas, so I am feeling a bit frustrated about it all. I may take a more Atkins approach to eating and see if that helps.
  • Monet, I'm so sorry the Byretta isn't working consistently for you. I do find that cutting carbs really helps with my FBGL. It was 4.2 (75.6) this morning which seems a bit low considering I was tempted by red liquorice last night. I didn't have enough kids to ditch it all so it's their faul!

    This is the month I really need to focus on ME rather than on Harry and his problems. Clean eating and relaxation are on the menu. I plan to get an exercise bike tomorrow and start using it while watching TV at night. My treadmill is just too darned hard on my wonky knees.

    Tomorrow I go for bloodwork to get ready for my doc apointment later in the month. I am hoping for a good HA1C and cholesterol reading. I just hope tomorrow's BGL isn't too low as I don't relish a half hour drive with low BGL!

    Happy November!
  • Acey! We're glad to have you. A high protein, good carb regime is doing wonders for my blood sugars. I had dropped the Lantus insulin and was on straight glucophage/metformin until........ (drumroll, please) I found out I am pregnant again! I'm guardedly optimistic this time, I've had 3 miscarriages the last 2 years. The numbers all look better this time, but with full-blown diabetes (had gestational with my son), thyroid problems, overweight, and my age I am a high risk. I am keeping the nutritionist on board, insurance is covering her as a regular doc, so only $15 co-pay instead of $30! She and OB/Gyn agree this eating plan is great for pregnancy and it will be ok if I continue to lose slowly. Just this morning I read a study from Australia that the low-glycemic diet seems to be very good for the baby.
    Ruth, I'm glad to see you here! Are you still on the SBD? My doc's plan is similar.
    Monet - that fasting bg is pretty yucky. Eating clean - no refined carbs really helps mine, except of course taking my boy trick or treating last night I had a little bit of candy. Nothing like I would have in the past and that's my goal - progress, not pefection!
  • Good morning everyone!
    I made it through Halloween unscathed. FBG was 112.

    Monet: I hope a low carb approach will work for you as it (SBD) has for me. Both weight and BGs have been in control.

    Ruth: I agree it is so important to make time for yourself. I have been using a glider instead of a treadmill and it does not hurt my knees (my left one has problems).

    Ottoette: I am going to cross my fingers for you that all goes well with your pregnancy (Congrats!)
  • hi all. no job leads yet. glen
  • I ran around like a crazy woman today, but I think I got everything done! Tomorrow, I head up to the mountains to work and will return on Friday.

    GLEN: I hope you get some leads soon!

    VIKIA: I usually do Sugarbusters, which is the same as South Beach phase 2, but I am going to start cutting out more starches to see how it goes. Tonight, I cut my portion of brown rice in half. It was enough, too! I had a nice size lean pork chop and salad. Then I ruined it by eating a small piece of pumpkin pie.
    At least the pie was homemade and made with half the sugar the recipe called for!

    OTTOETTE: Oh, congrats! I hope all goes well for you. I am sure low glycemic eating is fine! It has to be the healthiest diet out there!

    RUTH: I sure hope your HA1C is good. I was so thrilled when mine was 6.1, and it might be as good next time I have it done, but I feel like the bg numbers are creeping up...when I first started on Byetta, I seriously could eat ANYTHING, and the numbers stayed 'normal'. Not anymore!

    Time for bed! Sweet dreams everyone!

  • monet do you have room for me in your suitcase for me. have fun.
  • Hey all,,how goes it ?,,,Haven't been around much but still think of you all,,

    Have been having some stress in my life and my bs are terrible ,,this morning was 159,,,wow,,way to high for me,,but doesn't surpise me with what I am feeling,,,I am at the very end of my byetta like just a few shots left and for some reason i don't think it is working,,,and making me feel crappy,,and it never really has,,am tempeted to chuck it and get the new one early,, I gained a few pds back,,,urrrrrrr,,makes me nuts,,,so am trying to get those off and get the bs under control,,,anyway thats my life or a part of it anyway right now,,

    Am so glad to hear most of you are doing so good,,Monet,,sorry to hear the byetta is not doing good for you,,and sure do understand your frustration,,i am just glad that i have a place to come and vent what i am feeling,,thanks you guys ,,makes life a little better knowing someone else cares and listens and maybe is in the same place as you are or been there,,,

    Gotta run the best to you all,,,have a great day,,,Jeanne
  • Morning everyone.. its just to darn cold out brrrrrrrrrr im not ready for winter.. sl was 115 this am.. i should throw out the leftover candy jeanne i am so sry you are stressed would a (((((((hug))))))))) help.. monet have a great trip.. mr ken hope you get a good job offer soon..i sent for a new exercise tape called chair dancing by Jodi Stolove.. its made for handicapped people.. and looks like something i could do.. ill let u all know when it gets here and i try it out..i have this bad attitude right now.. just dont want to follow any diet or exercise program.. not good for me altho my sl are still pretty much normal.. i think its the meds more than what im eating or doing tho..anyways i must get off my big butt and do something right for me.. you all inspire me to do good.. hope u all have agreat day(((((((((hugs))))))) rosey
  • Hi, all. It's a nice rainy day. Puts me in a pensive mood. Trying to get back on the wagon.
    Monet, the "enabler" at work knows I'm diabetic. For easter she gave me a big bag of sugar free taffee. I had to pace myself because it contained sorbitol and we know how too much of that affects us. I can't say anything to her because of politics. So I just have to learn to ignore whatever comes my way. Have a good trip.
    Acey, welcome to the thread. We look forward to your posts.
    Ruth and Otto - welcome back. Otto - I hope this pregnancy runs smoothly. Sounds like you have a good diet plan.
    Jeanne. Sorry you're stressed.
    Glen - hang in there.
    Rosey - let us know how the new exercise tape works. I'm going to stop going to the gym. I'm not getting a good enough work out. Partly because I'm always so tired that I don't want to do more than 10 or 20 mins on the treadmill and because of bad knees and shoulder problems I am limited to what I can do anyway. They just raised the price so it's a good time to stop. Will try to do more walking instead.
  • Hi all, I'm new to 3FC and just started sugar busters. I'm open to any and all suggestions. I'm still learning how to navigate my way around 3FC.

    You've landed in a friendly little spot of support and friendship. Very nice folks to play with.
  • Hi all!

    Figured I had better skinny in and see how things are going!

    8 days until our wedding! EEEK! So much to do!

    Starting the new position with work hasn't helped either.

    I'll check in more this weekend, but for now, I'm off and running!

  • Good morning all,, We got snow yesterday and it is so pretty,,cold but not as cold as it was before it snowed,,they call me the snow princess at work,,,most of them hate it and I do the snow dance,,, lol

    Bs are still running high am getting a new byetta today and going to chuck the other one with just a few shots left,,,then my plan is to get back on track with this wt loss and kick it in the butt,,,was doing so good and the numbers were so good,,,now it is going backwords,,so any encouragement you could give me I would love,,,I know I can do this it is just that frame of mind,,,it is so hard to break out of it,,,but have done it before and can do it again !!!!

    Rosey,,thanks girl for the kind words,,,do you have snow yet ? I know what you mean about winter seems like we are never ready,,did get all the wood in this year before it snowed tho,,,so that was a nice thing ,,ususally the last to get done in a big hurry,,,your sl look really good,,sounds like your frame of mind might be a little like mine right now,,,I am wondering if it has anything to do with the holiday coming up,?,,

    Josian,,,wow,,,8 more days ,,,good luck to you and try to stay stress free !!!

    Hopskipandajump,,,nice to see you "welcome" hope to get to know you,,you are in a good place,,nice people here with kind hearts and easy to talk to ,,,

    Rosettastone,,,hi,,sounds like you are doing pretty good,,nice to see you

    Glen,,sure hope a job comes along for you soon,,,good luck to you !

    Viki,,I like you are so doing good and have such a good frame of mind on all this,,wish I could get mine back,,am proud of you for being so strong !!!

    Monet,,howdy ,,are you feeling any better and are you going back to the 5 pen? am thinking of you,

    Ok don't know who i missed if I did i am sorry,,,,and a big hi to you also,,,take care,,its friday and i have to work tonight and saturday and then a few days off,,,,have a great weekend all,,,later friends,,Jeanne