Take a Moment Monday Chat - Oct. 30

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  • Take a moment and pop in for a coffee or tea and a bit of a natter.

    It's actually getting bright out there right now and it is NOT raining or windy. I think we may even see the sun for the 7th time this miserable month!

    My Girls were delighted to see me yesterday afternoon. As usual, after a kennel stay, they just wanted to sleep last evening and are still zzzzing away. I'm sure they'll be back to normal soon! Hershey is limping a bit for some reason but I gave her an aspirin at bedtime and will check her out further today.

    This morning I plan to make my chop-chop salad for the week and package boneless chicken breasts for the freezer. My painting class is this afternoon and, once again, I've not done any work during the week. I do think about it though and am working out a pattern for a quilted wall hanging based on the attached. I hope to work in some outside work as well but.....

    What's happening chez-toi? Is the Halloween candy still intact? I've not even bought mine yet!
  • Mornin' Ruth. What a cool quilt pattern! Gotta admit, my Halloween candy dish is a couple pieces shy of what it was yesterday.

    I'm trying to change my workout habits. I just couldn't stick with doing it right after work - there was alway something going on that I felt like I just had to do. (Anything to get out of exercise, right?) So, now I'm back to working out in the morning. It may put me at work 15-30 minutes late, but this is the time that I will stick to the most. Did the Biggest Loser workout this morning - I just love Bob!

    Gotta head off to work. Got breakfast (egg & veggie casserole) and lunch (almond parmesan chicken, creamed spinach & artichokes, and salad) all packed up and ready to go. I also threw in some of Weezle's peppered pecans in there for a snack. They're great!

    Everyone have a fab-o day!
  • It's so nice to wake up to the sun shining, and it even feels warmer out! Tomorrow we may even reach 70*, that would be great for the Trick or Treaters!
    I've gotten a lot done so far today; did a load of wash, paid bills, went to Curves, and now I'm cleaning my oven. This daylight savings time is working out great for me so far! Now I can just goof off until it's time to pick up the girls from school. This afternoon I promised Maggie we would bake cookies she could take to school tomorrow for her Halloween party, and I may take the girls to a special Halloween event at the mall this evening, where they can wear their costumes. Tonight is my late night, so it will give us something fun to do.

    Jana ~ for making time to exercise. I have to get mine done first thing in the morning, or I won't do it at all. I'm usually too tired and rushing to get supper at the end of the day. Your lunch sounds delicious, yummmm, creamed spinach and artichokes.

    Ruth ~ I love that quilt, it would fit right in with my decor. Want to make one for me? BTW, we've had our Halloween candy stashed in the pantry for a couple of weeks, and it hasn't tempted me yet, I think I'll be OK. Now if it were ice cream, well, that's another story!

    New day, new motivation! I don't know where I got it from! I just woke up this morning ready to make this week my best week so far. I've started out on the right foot. 60 minutes of walking/jogging on the treadmill and a delicious P1 breakfast of 2 eggs scrambled w/ onions, V8 and skim milk! YUM!! Boss-man will be late today, so I'm in charge for the morning -- which means NO SLACKING!! Boss-man's a big softy!! DH and I are going to quick-clean the house tonight for the party and maybe carve another pumpkin. The one last night turned out great!! (Oh, and thanks, Schatzi for the recipe to toast the pumpkin seeds. DH loved them as much as I did and that's our REAL motivation for buying another pumpkim -- MORE SEEDS!! ) Edit: I just realized that I typed "pumpkim", but I like that better!!

    Ruth: You are such an inspiring lady, did you know that? You are so talented with your painting and quilting and all the other things I'm sure you do that I don't know about. You're awesome -- can you teach me to quilt?? Oh, et chez-moi est tres bien, merci beaucoup! Et chez-toi??

    Jana: I know what you mean about working out after work. I get home and have ZERO motivation!! Good luck with working out in the mornings -- I'll be doing it with you, so we'll both be late to work!!

    Welp, gotta hit the shower and off to work! Hope everyone has a loverly day!!
  • Hi Ladies:
    I haven't been around much but I have been Lurking and reading. I had WLS in September and Have been doing Ph 1.5 since then. I really missed posting with you guys!
    Ruth that Quilt is Lovely I agree with the Ladies you are so talented. . .You should have a show on HGTV
    Jana I love Bob Too! I haven't done his workout yet tho
    Cottage will you come do stuff at my house? Wow You're amazing!
    Kim that breakfast sounds so nummy!
    I have to run PT today so I'll be pumping Iron I need to grab some breakfast Veggie sausage patty with Low fat cheddar and a glass of milk I can taste it already!
    HAve a great day ladies!
  • Good morning ladies,

    So, I weighed in this morning and found that I maintained this week. I'm pretty okay with that because I was sick this week and ate a lot of saltines. I woke up an hour early this morning and had to remind my internal clock that day-light savings time was over.

    Tomorrow I'm having a scary movie marathon at my apartment. Just me, my movies, and a giant sweater. Maybe some SBD approved snacks too.

    Well, I hope everyone has a great day. You all sound so busy!
  • Quick hello here from work- no time for individual response. Hope you all have super Monday- I am planning to have a great day.
  • Morning Chicas!

    So I'm sick again today... I don't know what this cold is but I hope none of you get it because it is not my cup of tea. Speaking of which me 10:30 tea is done. mmmm good stuff. I was bad this weekend and barely ate. When I did I was eatting bad stuff.... even cupcakes! I think its the medicine and the cold thats doing it. Either way, sick or not I'm hitting the gym this week. I've been lazy far too long. Its like I tell myself all day to go to the gym and it comes time to go and I don't.... bad bad Michelle.

    Heroes comes on tonight.... Im excited about that. Have to hit the gym ASAP so I can be home to make dinner and not miss my show. On top of that Daniel wants me to start playing World of Warcraft with him so I'm balancing 2 online games plus wedding plans. Then school mess on top of that. Which reminds me I need to call them this morning. Class starts in 16 days and I think I need to know something soon.

    Christmas is almost here! Wal-Mart already has up decorations and stuff. I have no clue what we are getting everyone this year. I'm thinking we are putting a $30 to $40 limit on each person this year. We just dont have the money like last year. Paying more for rent kind of cuts funds considerably.

    I'll be making 2 new threads in about 10 minutes.... make sure you check them out. They will be interesting!

    I hope you all have a wonderful/stupendous/spectacular day! Wish I had more to say but my tylenol is kicking in...
  • Good Morning Chicadoodles!!!

    Late Check in this morn... The day got away from me! I got up and like Cottage got all the laundry done, took the fur babies for a 2 miler and am now on Break --getting ready to carve a pumpkim, ()

    Ruth: That is really a beautiful quilt..I notice you aren't straying far from yer chicks!!!! A hen ,roster and chick motiff! Love it! I'm glad you had a "spa" day fer yerself ! What is this "chop chop" salad????

    Jana: U go girl And a big YUM on that lunch!!! I bought the candy yesterday and it's in the garage unopened... a miracle!!!!!

    Cottage: You are always on the GO GO GO! I bet your house is so pretty sounds like you have an Americana craft decor--how purrrfect for Living in Main Line!

    Kim: Weigh to go on exercising!!!! I bet you feel great getting it done in the morn and reved up to go for the day! I'm glad you liked the pumpkim seed recipe.. What spices did you end up using? There's so many great combos you can use.. I think I'm going to go for a Cinnamin Splenda and Salt spice.. Can't wait to hear about your party I bet it will be a SMASH!!!

    KO: back to the beach chat! I hope your surgery went well and you'll start to see the results of all your efforts soon! Down 28 pounds by that ticker FABU!!!!!

    Kaity: a scary mooooovie fest How MooohhaahaaaMarvelous! Glad your getting back to feeling like yer self !


    Chellez: feel better darlin' .. and don't work out toooo hard but I admire that your so committed! Sounds like you've got your hands full!!! I start "school" on the first again... I'm working on my Project Management Master Cert through Villanova U... ! I think I'm going to check out WoW .. I hear so much about it...

    Ok Cawfee Break is over!!! Time to make a Jack-o-lantern!
  • Good morning ladies... back on P2 today - totally cheated yesterday with football at the house -bf had all his friends over so it was a veggie platter feast with steak, mashed potatoes and caesar salad.. I was going to go back to p1 for the week, but I'm just going to wait and see how it goes.

    I read that some of you are doing Bob's work out... What is that and where would I find out how to do it? I've heard of the show The Biggest Loser, but I don't really watch t.v. much so I've never seen it.

    It snowed here like crazy all day yesterday. It's cold today and with the change in time, I got a lousy sleep... Oh well, it's just a matter of adjustment I guess.

    Hope you all have a marvelous day ! Stay warm and stay positive )
  • Morning ladies - Well I'm back from some wild and crazy birthday celebrating, lasted for a week and a half, and I'm ready to jump back on the wagon! Funny how I don't come around when I'm eating poorly - Well back and ready to rock! YAAAY!

    Haha ok, back to work, I'll try to hop on in time tomorrow so that I can respond to everyone - Cheers to a new week!
  • There's not much going on on this little stretch of beach today. One more day of P1 left for me! I'm so grateful that it went so fast this time. Weigh-in is tomorrow morning so we'll see how I did. I've done well avoiding all the halloween candy so far although DH got into a little last night.

    Everyone seems so optimistic today.....must be all that sunshine out there
  • I am so glad that popcorn selling is over. Brian ended up selling just over $4000 which is well beyond the $2550 from last year. He'll quite a bit in Walmart gift cards since he wasn't interested in the prizes. I've printed out the labels for the 261 items he sold and can now rest until the 10th when we get the popcorn and start spending all our time delivering it. So now I have time to get back to exercising. I've slacked off on that this month and it shows. I'm up 2 pounds right now but I'm hoping some of that is water retention.
  • Sounds like most everyone is having a good day. To those who are sick, take care!!!

    mgb - The "Bob workout" is The Biggest Loser workout DVD. I found my copy at Wal-Mart when it first came out for about $10. I haven't made it into the higher intensity workouts yet. But they have alternating daily workouts. One's more cardio based and one's more strength based.

    Off for a quick dinner and then line dancing.
  • Quote:
    Off for a quick dinner and then line dancing.
    OMIGAWD, I LOVE LINE DANCING!!!!! I love contra and square too!! Love, love, love, and what an awesome workout!

    I like the Biggest Loser workout. I got mine off of Amazon, and had only scene a couple of episodes of The Biggest Loser. Tell yah what I like more than the workout though:
    Looking at Bob. Yummy.