**Weekly Chat - 30 Oct - 5 Nov**

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  • It is still Sunday night and I have just finished planning out tomorrow so I thought I would jump in early and start the chat.

    Good news - my weigh in was today and I lost a whopping 2.6kg/5.7lb this week! Remarkable what eating better foods (and not so good foods in moderation) and moving a bit more can do So proud of myself. This week will be another great loss too - I'll make sure of it.

    I hope everyone had a great weekend. I know alot of you are preparing for Halloween but I hope you aren't being too naughty with the candy
  • Wow!! Congrats, Daisy, that's an awesome loss. You totally deserve it!

    My weigh-in isn't supposed to be till tomorrow morning, but this morning showed that I've lost every ounce of anything I put on during my off-the-wagon period. (That's four pounds!) Maybe tomorrow morning will be a little lower... One can hope, right?

    Mmm, I just ate a really yummy muffin for breakfast... I'm so glad I made them. There's a recipe for them in my blog (link below), and while they're a little high on the calorie side, they've got so much good stuff going for them... flax seed, veggies, oats, fiber... and no oil! I'm just promoting these things everywhere, they're so good

    Daylight savings time, everyone in the Northern Hemisphere -- your clocks ought to have been set back last night! That makes up for the extra hour I slept this morning

    How's everyone's halloween resolve holding up? I'm being a hermit this year and not going anywhere... not making a costume... nothing. But for those of you who have lives (), how are you dealing with all the candy?
  • Hey All!

    It's SNOWING!!!!!!! We have Blizzard warnings right now, and I don't mean the Dairy Queen ones either! Although I'd much prefer those over these ones! I'm having a really good weekend! My friend and his wife had a baby on Friday night, a boy! They are doing well! My back is doing great after my fall down the stairs on Wednesday, I've been eating portions sized meals for the past 5 days now!!! YAY ME!!!! I'm so proud of myself! I still get munchy every now and then, but so far so good. I haven't been doing alot of exercising lately because of my back, but hopefully tomorrow I'll be back at it, or at least a little bit!

    Daisy - Good job on the weight loss!!! WOW!!!! You must be thrilled about it! I wish I could manage to lose that in a MONTH, nevermind a week!

    Britomart - I will definately check out your muffin recipe! Yum! I set my clock behind, and it is a good thing cause I went to bed REALLY late last night, so I needed the extra hour! I'm not much of a halloween person, so that candy and all doesn't bother me really. I can pass up candy pretty easy.

    Have a good day everyone!!!!!
  • Amanda- we got our first big snow last week, too. I kept hoping it would stay too warm, but NOOOOOOOO. I went to bed and it was 65 and woke up mid-blizzard. It just can't be yet!

    Jaime- Incidentally, this year I haven't seen much candy so far. I *hope* that doesn't change, but I work around a lot of kids, so we'll see. I'm going to have to track down that recipe on your blog! Sounds great!

    Daisy- Great news on the loss! That's a huge motivation when you can put up numbers like that!

    Hope everyone has a good week. I actually raised my calories a bit (in raw food form) and am not stressing about overeating/not overeating so much and it has really helped to the point where I'm actually losing a little bit (and by a little I mean a single pound). I'm not so interested in losing anymore, but it makes maintaining SO much easier.

    Oh and now that I have officially ruined my feet, I get to go get fitted for my first "official" pair of running shoes this week! How did I get to this point of getting excited over sneakers?!?! You girls have created a monster!
  • Daisy -- Congrats on the loss! That's awesome!

    Amanda -- What kind of meals are you making? Is it a specific type of diet?

    I hope everyone's having a great Halloween weekend
    Fortunately, I don't have any kids and live in the city where there aren't many trick or treaters, so I've been candy-free this weekend. THat doesn't mean I haven't been alcohol free, though! I am still on the couch not feeling well from last night...and it's almost 5 pm! Yikes! Oh well, at least it was fun!! Today was our first fall-like day...the kind where it's cool and overcast outside, but not in the foggy San Francisco way...in more the Thanksgiving way (if that makes any sense). It really makes me excited for the holidays!!
    Tomorrow I start a new project for work and will be flying to Dallas every week...does anyone know good places to go around there? We're actually in Plano, which they tell me is outside Dallas. I am nervous about traveling and trying to eat healthy and exercise. I figure that I am only traveling four days of the seven days of the week, so if I can make it through those 4 days eating right (which is hard), the other three days will feel like a breeze! Last time I was traveling alot, I bought a lightweight scale to take with me, which really helped. That probably sounds crazy to take a scale with me, but it really helps me stay on track. Sigh, I really hope at some point eating right becomes a lot easier!
  • Hey everyone!

    Yesterday involved a halloween party in which I indulged in a bit of overeating.. I was severely under calories, so... my weight had gone back up to 199 this morning (i was down to 197) so Im guessing that all the salt and things I had eaten is making me retain water *G*. So today... lots and lots of water, eating right, already did my cardio, and planning on doing strength training before bed. Tomorrow's weigh-in better show that!

    We are doing candy for trick-or-treating, but I have already instructed DB to bring the leftover candy into work with him the next day so I won't be fighting the urge to eat candy every day! (I'm really not a huge sugar person, so BUYING the candy isn't a problem)

    Michelle - Good luck.. I wish I knew anything around the area that would be helpful. And I don't think it's crazy to bring a scale with you, I would do the same thing!

    June - *giggles* We can rebuild you, we have the technology...

    Brit - you rock.. but you know that already.

    Canadian - Ooo snow. That's one thing I'll sort of miss, it rarely snows where I am now. I love to watch the snow... SHOVELING, now that's something I won't miss!

    Daisy - Congrats on the loss!
  • Anyone want a Snowball fight??? LOL! I'm such a trouble maker! This afternoon I went out and played in the snow with the kids from downstairs. We made snow angels, and a snowman!

    Michelle: No specific meals, or particular diet really. I've been reading alot of books lately on nutrition, and G.I Foods, and all that sort of things, so I guess I'm basing my foods around the GI List of foods, kind of as a guideline. But I haven't been too religious about it. I don't know if I've lost anything yet. I used to calorie count but it was driving me CRAZY!!! Hehe!!!
  • The "benefits" of hubby having to go to work at 7:30 AM, he wakes me up! LOL! So this morning I've already got alot done! Got dishes done, a little cleaning that desperately needed to be done, and after I have something to eat, I'm going to go for a walk I think. It's sunny day out, so I want to take advantage of that! Tonight I'm going out to my parents house to check on it, they are out of town and there have been a few robberies out there lately! NOT GOOD! I'm putting together my shopping list for the coming few weeks! Yay!!!!

    I was reading a book this week and did you know that on packages of food...the daily percentage is based on a 2000 calorie diet??? I didn't know that!!!!! So how does that effect the portion sizes that are on packages?? Curious over here! LOL!
  • LOL!
    All you guys with your cold talk!
    I live in a town called Bonnyville, it's at the top end of Alberta, Canada. Sometimes, we get snow in the middle of summer!!!
  • I knew I didn't move to Alberta for a reason! LOL! My siblings all live in Calgary....
  • Back in Denver, back to the workweek. Stopped and got fatty coffee I didn't need this morning. Last night played in a kickball tournament for about 2 hours. Sore today...brought my workout clothes to work plan on hitting it mild during lunch and then maybe going running with a friend after work. Hope things are going well with you ladies!

    Daisy - Halloween candy is the devil, thanks for the reminder. I know you will have another loss this week

    brito - I am vetoing Halloween too. Just too busy and too broke this year. I will have to check out that muffin recipe.

    Amanda - great job with the portion control. Maybe youhave found exactly what works for you

    Jen - you will have to let me know if you running shoe fitting is worth it. I have always thought about doing it but never have. Have my fingers crossed for your little loss hehe.

    Michelle - never been to Dallas sorry. The scale sounds like a good idea as does stocking up on some groceries while you are there. How do you deal with all this travel. I have only been doing it for a week or so and man am I pooped!

    Fae - getting your Db to take the candy away right away sounds like a great plan!
  • Back in Denver, back to the workweek. Stopped and got fatty coffee I didn't need this morning. Last night played in a kickball tournament for about 2 hours. Sore today...brought my workout clothes to work plan on hitting it mild during lunch and then maybe going running with a friend after work. Hope things are going well with you ladies!

    Daisy - Halloween candy is the devil, thanks for the reminder. I know you will have another loss this week

    brito - I am vetoing Halloween too. Just too busy and too broke this year. I will have to check out that muffin recipe.

    Amanda - great job with the portion control. Maybe youhave found exactly what works for you

    Jen - you will have to let me know if you running shoe fitting is worth it. I have always thought about doing it but never have. Have my fingers crossed for your little loss hehe.

    Michelle - never been to Dallas sorry. The scale sounds like a good idea as does stocking up on some groceries while you are there. How do you deal with all this travel. I have only been doing it for a week or so and man am I pooped!

    Fae - getting your Db to take the candy away right away sounds like a great plan!
  • Well this weekend was great, even went for a run/walk on Sunday, something I would have never done in my previous life. It was great and I felt so good afterwards. The time change totally through me out of wack. I forgot to set my alarm correct so I missed working out today. Since I am only working have a day I will go later this afternoon. My dog has her final vet appointment to make sure that her leg has healed properly and she can be released to run and play. I let her out a little yesterday to run around and she was so happy. I hate having to put her in the kennel all day when she could be in the backyard. Tonight I will start thinking about packing for my trip. I am such a procrastinator I will probably up late packing the night before my 6am flight.

    DaisyBoo: Congrats on the weightloss!

    Brito: So now you are back where you started and it only took a week. It is amazing how well our bodies respond to healthy food!

    Glad to hear you are feeling better! Snow the last time it snowed here was two years ago and before that I think 6 years! I was in Houston when it snowed and we had 6 inches and a White Christmas. The weatherman said that was a once in a 100year type of thing. Well I am glad I got to experience it!

    Fae: That's was I told my husband too. Take the candy to work the next day. We get alot of trick or treater so I had to buy 10 bags of candy. I have it all in a closed container in the entryway in a chest so it is out of sight out of mind until tomorrow for the kiddos.

    miss michelle: Plano is north of Dallas and one of the most expensive suburbs. It is intermingled with the town of Richardson. At Coit Road and George Bush Turnpike there is an upscale grocery store called Central Market. They have a Cafe on the Run and prepared fresh foods to choose from. I would compare it to the original Whole Foods in Austin, not the normal Whole Foods stores. You can eat here all week long and never eat the same thing. The best thing about it also is that most of the foods are organic and locally fresh. The link is www.centralmarket.com. In that area you can find any of the chain restaurants as well. The Blue Goose Cantina is a Mexican favorite with good seafood entrees. Although I think at any restaurant you can find a healthy choice it just usually takes time and willpower to go through the menu. To make your trip to Texas official you should definetly have some BBQ. Sonny Bryan's is the best, the original is downtown, but they have a location at Coit Rd & Campbell Rd.
  • Hi gals, you know as much as most people hate mondays I truely LOVE them, it always feels like a new opportunity for me, like the new year feels, sort of a clean slate. With that said, i've been on a continual month mini-binge...ugh...and today, i HAVE to do something about it. I'm just going to have to realize i can't "Wing it" with food. I need to plan, and be obsessive, again. I was so hoping to make it to the 150's by my 25th b-day (wednesday), but i've been moving up on the scale, not down, so i really dont see how that will happen. I agree with all of you HALLOWEEN CANDY IS EVIL!!! luckily i've avoided it so far (the one thing i'm proud of myself for lately).
    Daisy - great job on the weight loss, thats fantastic!
    Amanda and Mande - I dont know how you guys do it, we have only gotten like an inch here so far, and i'm already dreading the winter! you girls must be tough to deal with so much snow
    Everyone - HI! Hope everyone has a great week, Sorry I feel like the most flaky/on again off again conversationalist around here :/
  • Thanks Daisy for starting the November Challenge. I really appreciate it!

    It's my birthday today! wooo!