Hi, I am new...and I am trying to stay focus

  • I have been on MANY diets but I am trying again starting October 30...I need a lot of support because I always seem to sway off track..I love message boards so I will probably be on her a lot..tracking my weight lost. I am going to use the Slim in 6 series along with a 1200-1500 calorie diet. I am going to TRY to stay on track for the recommended 6 weeks. I need this is the type of website/community because I am sure you all know that weight lost is an extremely hard battle to face along. Thanks and I look forward to talking to everyone.
  • Hi! I will be starting tomorrow. I need to cut out sugars and over processed foods. I will also be aiming for 12-1400 cals/day. Let me know how you are doing. Good luck!
  • Hi and welcome. I love message boards too and I'm very appreciative of calorie counting. You will find lots of support here ... both of you ... now post around and let us get to know you