sooooo not worth the 13 points...

  • ok, you'd THINK i'd know by now - after - what, 4 years of being on (and off...) plan? I was craving Dairy Queen today and so I stopped by and got myself a SMALL reeses pbcup blizzard. i KNEW it'd be high in points - i was thinking 9 or 10 - it's 13!!! 600 calories and 21 grams of fat for a SMALL!!!
    it's just that it's been SOOO long since i've had one and "tom" was craving one - so i got it. and i enjoyed it. i enjoyed every last bite of it. but then i looked it up on the website - and saw the n. info - and jeeez!!! seriously.
    i KNEW better but i still did it anyways - and yes, i did enjoy it - and i had the flex - so now i just will adjust for the rest of the day (which, btw, i have a wedding reception to go to tonight...) - but i've still got 12 of my flex points left for the week - and 12 points left for the DAY - and my flexies "turn over" tomorrow...

    but thing is - yes, it was yummy - yes, i had the flex points to use - and yes, i enjoyed it and recorded it. but still it just makes me so mad that something like that - that i used to get in a LARGE size all the time (shoot, larges are probably 20 points...) - is so bad for ya!!

    oh well. life goes on. and it WAS good.
  • hi indy!

    we dont have a dq here but we do hacve friendlys- and the reeses frienz is = to the pb blizzard and theit small is 20 BUT i think its so worth it. i wish theyd make a child size though bc the small is 900 cals and im not at the point where i can stop at half yet.
  • Thats the wonderful thing about WW, you can splurge like that....and still lose! If you really honestly were craving it, then you did right by getting know now though, that sometimes afterwards you regret it, and it will get you thinking twice next time.
    On this program, I cheat...I always will...thats why I love flex. I can be bad and jump back on the wagon and still have a successful week as long as all 7 days aren't cheating days.
    You did good, you had your fun and the craving was fulfilled Now you'll move on, no guilt.
  • Wow. 600 calories is a lot. I used to go to an ice cream place called Cold Stone and the ice cream was made fresh every morning. The average calories for a regular was about 800-1000+, no kidding. And I used to eat there once or twice a month...on a good month. I think all restaurants/food places should have to show the calories ON THE MENU.
  • yikes! not 6...900! the lg is 1800!! they dont have it on menyu but if you email them they give you the info.
  • Quote: I think all restaurants/food places should have to show the calories ON THE MENU.
    Did you ever notice when Ruby Tuesday's used to do this? It was only a few years ago. OMG, it was like there was nothing I could eat! Even their "healthy" stuff was off the charts! They stopped doing this a while ago, and it's no wonder why...I bet they lost so much business.
  • But the point of this weightloss/lifestyle change program is so you can enjoy those things on occassion and not worry about it. Once in a while you can indulge but you shouldnt feel guilty.

    Heck last night I had a Macho Nacho Bowl at the hockey game and I enjoyed it, logged it and won't worry about (BTW is is guestimated at about 23 points).