Shrinking Misfits - October - Newcomers R Welcome!!!

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  • Well, last month was our first month and we started off G-R-E-A-T, but towards the end of the month, we lost a few and hoping to they find us again, plus a few more. So feel free to drop in at anytime and join us so they we can lose weight and reach our fitness goals together.

    October Challenge - RESOLVE

    Well, Elizabeth recommended that our next challenge be about Resolve. It can be easy to get started, but being consistent and seeing it through to the end can be the challenge. So, the challenge is that each person resolve to see their goals through this month. Remember, you don't have to be alone with this journey. Many of us live in households where we are the only one that has to/or chosing to lose weight and that can be tough. Definitely check in and let us know your ups and downs so we can help each other through.

    Look forward to hearing the resolves and committments that we are making for ourselves. We are all worth it!
  • Hi Elycia,
    Count me back in. I need the support and encouragement more than ever. I have really been struggling lately.
    I have decided vacation is over. July, August and September have been one great big mess for me.

    I'm all about seeing this through. Let's jump in and see it through October.
    Good Luck Everyone!
  • Hi Ladies,
    mind if I join in? My name is Jennie, and I have been at this for a loooong time. I'm just coming back to these forums because I have been stuck where I am going up a few down a few up a few down a few since I feel like almost last christmas. so I need to get it down for good.
    Anyway, I started this effort almost 2 years ago. I wanted to be at my goal by my 30th birthday but that was last month so I wasn't there but I need to look at the bright side and realise I have lost 50 pounds, more than half of what I want to lose. I have met some of my smaller goals, I ran in a 10 K for the first time and did pretty well, a 10 minute mile. I just can't seem to get the scale to do down and stay motivated.
    I have a 6 year old son so getting excersise in is some times a struggle. I have resorted to taking him to school early and going to the gym before work. we'll see how long that will work.
    hmmm... let see what else???? I dont' know but I need some buddies and support and some place to hang here on the forums.
    I hope to hear from you all soon.
  • I'm still here! I'm weighing in tomorrow morning, so I've got my fingers crossed for a lower number on the scale. I've been doing pretty well. I feel good. Walking two miles is so easy for me now. My two pounds weights that I've been lifting feel like nothing when I do my lifting every other day. I probably need to stop by the store and pick up some five pounders to push myself a little more. Eating has been good. I don't feel as hungry as I did when I started this at the end of August. And, even though I've only lost a few pounds, my stomach feels a bit smaller today for some reason.

    Aleecia, I hope you'll stick around and let us motivate you into shedding some of those pounds. I'm sure all you need is a bit of support and you'll be feeling much better about this adventure.

    Hi Jennie! Welcome! Glad you decided to join us. Congrats on already losing so much weight! That's quite an accomplishment! The important thing is keeping it off, not necessarily losing it fast and hitting all your goals. I'm sure you'll be losing the last few within the coming months.
  • Hi, Elycia & Gale! Welcome, Aleecia & Jennie! Well, let’s take it ONE day at a time, ladies; it is only a matter of time until new habits become automatic, and we CAN afford to wait. My somewhat lofty goals for this month are to maintain my workout regimen, and eat nutritious, healthful meals at fixed intervals, without obsessing over calories or when & what my next meal will be. You get the picture. I think what’s neat about our challenge is that quitting is NOT an option, and while some days will be tougher than others, maintaining a positive/ realistic attitude and expecting obstacles to arise will help us stay in control & not make a dash for the fridge. (Well, that’s what happens to me, anyway…)

    I look forward to everyone’s success this month!

    Gale, best of luck with your weigh-in, tomorrow! Elycia, thanks so much for starting this thread!


  • Count me in this month.. I need all the help and "Will Power Dust" I can get.. I am starting my new eating plan and exercise. Sunday was my first day on the plan. So we well see what will happen this month.. I would love to lose 4 lbs this month, but we'll see.
  • Hello Ladies:

    So glad to see you guys checking in today.

    Angel, good to see you and your motivation. That is wonderful. Stay positive and let us know what some of your goals are. That way, we can work alongside you to help you succeed. Again, good to see ya!

    Jennie, so glad that you decided to join us. That is wonderful that you have lost 50 lbs! Definitely be proud of what you have accomplished. I can't wait until I have lost 50 lbs. That takes a huge amount of committment and focus to lose that kind of weight. You've already proved to yourself that you have the will power to do it, cling to that and keep checking in as often as you can and you will reach your goals. You are doing great! Keep up the good work. Looking forward to hearing more from you and how you lost those 50 lbs.

    Hey there Gale. That is awesome that 2 miles is a breeze for ya. I love getting to those points where I see other types of improvements. For me, since I have been doing FIRMS, at first I could not do the tall box climbs, but now I can do them and that just feels so good and empowering. Definitely up those weights if those 2 pounders are feeling light. I started out with 3's and 5's. Now, I basically use 5's and 8's. I will be moving on to 12's soon. Anyways, good job on that and so glad to see ya.

    Elizabeth, Thank YOU for getting us started with Resolve this month. Follow through is the only way to reach our goals and it can be so hard. Especially when we are always so busy and it is so much easier to skip that workout or eat something we know we shouldn't. Over the past 6-7 weeks, I have lost 20.5 lbs and one thing that I know for sure is that RESOLVE is extremely important. I have resolved in my mind that I am not going to let anything get in my way of staying on target and I think that is why I am losing consistently. It's not been easy, especially when the scale won't budge, but I just can't give up. Anyways, thanx for the wonderful idea and I look forward to hearing more about how you are doing with your goals this month.

    SAHM. Howya doing? You said that Sunday was your first day on the plan. Just curious, what plan are you following? Please tell us more about what your plans are. Here is some for ya. Look forward to hearing more about your plan and what you are doing to reach your weight loss goal this month.

    My actual weight loss goal is kind of a stretch this month, but based on last month, it is attainable. I would like to lose 8 lbs this month. I have been able to lose pretty good so far and hoping to have the same success this month. My body can be so stubborn sometimes. I'll fight it tooth and nail though to reach my goal. It's funny, people say, "Wait on lifting Weights, it will affect your weight loss". I gotta tell you guys, my weight loss has sped up since I started lifting regularly. Weights are good for my body, plus I love it. Makes me feel strong and I love the look of a toned muscle. I just can't wait to get to goal.

    Today, I did Firm Supercharged Sculpting. Basically all weights. It was a little difficult with all of the tall box work, but I got through it. I was so glad it was a fairly short workout, because I waited until I got off work to do it and I was already tired. Well, I will see you guys tomorrow. I am so glad that everyone has a strong RESOLVE to start this month off right. I hope to see you guys regularly. It's so much more fun to do this with friends.


  • Elizabeth, good luck with those goals you've set for yourself this month. I'm sure you'll have no trouble keeping them, and you'll be seeing the results of your resolve at the end of the month. As for me, I'm going to resolve to continue to plan out my meals before each week begins, drink at least 90 oz of water each day, and continue to walk at least two miles everyday.

    SAHM, I'm sure you can lose four pounds this month. If you lose one pound each week, then you'll easily meet your goal. Just remember to stick to your eating plan and exercise as much as you can.

    Elycia, good luck with your weight loss goal this month! You've been doing so well lately that I don't think eight pounds is a stretch. Two pounds a week, and you'll get it done. I'm hoping to lose the same amount this month, so hopefully we can both meet our goals.

    I'm off to a good start this week. The scale was down 2.5 pounds this morning. I'm very happy with that since it exceeds my two pounds per week goal. I'm hoping to see the 230's soon. Since I have so much to lose, I decided to break down the pounds into sections. My initial mini-goal is 230. Once I meet that, my next goal will be 200. From there I'm going to aim for 180. Then, from 180 to 160. As long as the goal is no more than 20 or 30 pounds off, then I don't think I will get too overwhelmed. It's just when I look at that figure that is near 100 that I get a little worried that I might not make it. To be a healthy weight, I'd have to be below 150. However, if I get down to 160, then I don't think I'm going to fret over 10 pounds.
  • Hello Everyone,

    Just wanted to check in really quick. This week is off to a bumpy start. I have been fighting a nasty cold for the past 4 days. I missed my workout yesterday and today. YIKES! That's actually the first time I have missed a workout since February. I am hoping to feel a little better tomorrow. Food has been pretty good as I don't have much of an appetite.
    It figures, now that I'm finally ready to get back on track, I feel horrible.

    galengail-I agree with you on setting mini goals. I set 10lb goals. I am working on my 4th one right now. I know what you mean about it seeming overwhelming at times. We can all do this, one step at a time. Good Luck!

    Elycia-Great job on the workouts. What exactly is the FIRM? Is it a serious of tapes? I know I've heard you talk about them before. I'm almost ready to start something new, just to mix it up a bit.

    SAHMof1-Here's your . I think you have set a very realistic goal for yourself.

    elizabeth28-You are so right. Quitting is not an option. It took me a while to realize that, but now I know that this is something I will need to do for the rest of my life. NO QUITTERS!!!!!

    jennie934-Great job at losing the 50 pounds. I feel your struggle about finding time to work out around kids. I have found that the only me time I have to exercise is at 5:00am. It's not easy, but right now thats where it fits in right now.

    Nice to meet all of you ladies and it feels good to be part of this group.
    I need all the support and motivation I can get.
  • Elycia-- I am doing LA Weight Loss. I signed up over the weekend and started on Sunday. At first I was worried about not having enough to eat but believe me its plenty of food. I am also doing a walking video as well as TRYING to do Turbo Jam.. Not very coordinated so I look like a fish outta water flopping around..
  • Hey Gals
    thanks for the warm welcome. I am a weight watcher. I have been one for a while. I just this week switched from Flex to core because I was eating to much junk on flex and letting it slide. we'll see how I do this week on core. some times I switch programs just to get a kick in the butt....
    I got in a short run, only about 3 miles but I had to squeeze it in while my son went to eat pizza with some friends. and that work on two tough areas, I missed the pizza tempation and worked out. I think trying to not eat my sons food is one of the hardest parts of dieting with kids. he eats pretty healthy but I always want to finish his plate after I have finished mine. not a good idea.
    Thanks again for letting me join in.
  • Good evening, lovely ladies!

    Elycia, I couldn’t agree with you more about the benefits of weight-lifting. A friend of mine convinced me of taking a Body Pump class with her, a little less than two months ago, and I’ve been hooked ever since; plus, the results can be very motivating. And to think I used to be averse to the mere concept of lifting, period… Things can change. I dare say that weight-loss is only a side effect of what most of us are after in this forum— essentially better health, and a healthy attitude towards eating. In any case, I truly think you’re all doing an awesome job sticking to your goals and I’m truly proud to be part of your group.

    Gale & Aleecia, I read somewhere that “those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait without anxiety and with infinite patience”, and (notwithstanding the fact that I’m obsessed with quotes ) I find the message to be quite reassuring and inspirational.

    Jennie (WOW- 50 lbs gone!!) & Sahm (I couldn’t find the ‘will power dust’ but here is a dancing/delirious carrot for you… ) keep us all posted on your progress…

    Today wasn’t easy for me, but rest assured that I survived intact. I stuck to my meal plan (though I didn’t eat at fixed intervals) and got 60 minutes of dreaded cardio out of the way. I’ll check back in tomorrow.


  • Hello everyone:

    It's great to see you guys today. I tell ya, today was a whirlwind day. Work, then shopping, then cooking, then bathing. It all seems like a blur, but I got it all taken care of and I still got my workout in for today. Today was just an ab workout about 30 minutes. It was tough. I can't wait until I can actually see my abs. I plan to one day.

    Angel, yep, FIRM is a series. It combines weights and aerobics. I have been doing FIRM off and on for years. They promise visible results in 10 workouts. I never truly put it to the test until recently and it is true. I can definitely tell changes in 10 workouts. I am going to stick with it for as long as I can until I get bored I guess. But I have a huge variety of FIRMS, so I should be able to stick with it for awhile. I am so glad to see you here again and you sound like you are ready to lose. Hang on to that! You said that you haven't missed a workout since February? Wow, that is amazing! What workouts are you doing? That is commendable!

    Gale, that is wonderful that the scale was down this morning. Woohoo! That is fantastic! Such a wondeful feeling when that happens. You are definitely on your way and you should be very proud. Like you, I am trying to lose my weight in chunks. I call it Mini-Goals, which are every 5% weight that I lose, I reward myself. As of my last weigh in, I am only 4.5 lbs away from my 2nd 5% goal. I think that breaking it down that way is a wonderful idea. Keep up the good work and strong resolve Gale.

    SAHM, please let us know how LA Weightloss works for you. I always see the commericals on TV and amazed at the amount of weight loss and the before and after pics. Maybe we will see you on one of their commercials soon. You think. Turbo Jam is pretty darn fun I hear, but like you said it does require some coordination. I have 1 of them, but still have never gotten around to doing it. Great to see ya!

    Elizabeth, I am glad that you agree about the benefits of weight lifting. Alot of women really think that it will make them look like Schwarzenegger or something. That is so unlikely to happen. I mean, we lose muscle as we age and if we don't lift, it will just continue to lessen. Isn't Body Pump great! I love those types of classes. I haven't been to a gym in forever, but I do remember taking Body Pump classes in the past and they were fun, but tough. I love challenging myself though. Don't worry, it will become easier and more second nature as time goes on. Just stick with it. You will be so glad you did. I am glad that you are here and decided to join our group. Your motivation is contagious.

    Jennie, howya doing? Good to see ya. I hear that alot of people switch between the two plans. The way I see it, as long as you are sticking to something that works for ya, that is what matters most. 3 mile run?? Boy, I don't think the day will ever come when I can run. You must be in great shape to run that distance. I see that you snuck another pound in there. 51 lbs!!! That is wonderful. Keep up the good work!

    Well, I really better go. I will check in with you guys tomorrow. Keep that resolve!!!

  • Hi Ladies, I was a bit of a lurker on the old thread but I figured with the new month and the new Resolve Challenge that I couldn't stay away, especially since I really need to work on my resolve to keep on my exercise program. I was doing really well and then let things get in the way. Well, I had a legitimate excuse to begin with (minor injuries and whiplash from a car accident), but then I just got lazy. It's easy for me to make excuses since I'm busy (no busier than most, I'm sure) being a full time grad student and also paying my way through school but I can't let them fly anymore if I want to reach my goals.

    Anyways, you all seem like a supportive bunch... you almost have me sold on weightlifting and I really like how often people check in on this thread. Sometimes it's nice to know that other people are dealing with the same things as me since I'm pretty much in this weightloss journey on my own.
  • Good Morning Ladies.
    Sounds like everyone had a pretty good day yesterday. I am glad to say that I am starting to feel better today and I did manage to drag myself up at 5:00am for my workout. I guess I never really noticed how much better I feel when I start my day off with a work out.

    Welcome bluesparkie, glad to have you here with us.

    Elycia-I do several different workouts. I love WATP but I also have one of the Kathy Smith serious (12 workouts in one) and I also like the Biggest Loser workout. I try to switch them up so that I don't get bored and quit. So far I have been doing pretty good.

    Elizabeth-Great quote. Thanks for sharing.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.

    Gotta run, will check in a little later.