October Goals!

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  • In conjunction with the October Fitness Challenge, we used to have a monthly goal thread. Post here about what you would like to accomplish this month, weight loss-related or otherwise. At the end of the month it's neat to pull up this old thread again and see how well we did!

    My October goals:
    1) Exercise consistently. Develop a routine and stick to it.
    2) Don't go out to eat alone (I eat more if I do, especially if I get drive-thru).
    3) See 189 (i.e., lose 6 pounds... pretty please?).
    4) Put veggies in everything.
    5) Get up when my alarm goes off. I've had enough sleep, stop being lazy.
    6) Start the C25K running program.

    Let's see everyone else's!!
  • M'kay, with all the work I'll have for school, my current job, and the extra job(s) I'll likely have to take to join both ends, for some time at least, I'm not sure at all of what exactly would be a... believable goal?... for me. Hence I'll stick to that list so far:

    1) Exercise: go at least to my weekly class of cane fighting, and walk as much as I can for wherever I need to go.
    2) Food: Eat at the campus restaurants often (balanced & cheap meals), especially with other people at my table (I, too, eat less when I'm feeling watched )
    3) Food, take 2: Go to the FEC restaurant for lunches, because they have "healthy meals" cooked with less fat than the normal meals, with better options as far as entrées and desserts go (no added fats and sugar...). And it's still both tasty and cheap.

    Since I don't know yet what the near future has in store for me, this will do for the time being. As long as I can manage that, I know I'll lose, or at least not gain. I only binge when things are boring in my life, and I very much doubt college will be boring.
  • This seemed like an interesting thread to join, something to keep me back on track.

    1) get back into a regular workout schedule (its been awhile)
    2) 185!
    3) buy some new workout clothes (i promised myself when i got to 190, and i haven't got around to it yet)
    4) more vegetables
    5) stay on track at school

    Now lets see how this goes
  • Here goes:

    1) Exercise 5x a week, even if its only a short walk, just get out and DO IT!
    2) Drink atleast 32oz of water a day, shoot for 64oz.
    3) Dont give in to junk food
    4) Get out the the park with my son more before it gets colder out.
  • It's okay to add to this list when we want, right?

    * Exercise at least 5x a week.
    * Stay on plan at least 4 days out of the week.
    * Drink at least 32 oz of water per day.
    * Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
    * Meet my Halloween Goal.
  • Okay mine are:

    1. Develop an exercise routine for 5 days a week
    2. Eat more dark green veggies
    3. Eat out only twice a week
    4. Lose 5 pounds - 150 here I come!

    This will be fun!
  • * Hit my next second 10 percent goal 243 pounds.
    * Increase my water intake from 2.5 liter to 3 liters.
    * Eat one more fruit or vegetable every day.
  • At the end of October I will be able to say I accomplished:
    • 1100 minutes exercise in line with fitness challenge
    • Month 1 of C25K
    • 2 x 30 second planks, back to back
    • 4 sun salutations consequetively
    • 3 litres of water each day (includes herbal and green tea)
    • Eating lots of vegetables and fruits each day
  • Goals!

    - Run before work each morning
    - Start getting in more of those delicious spring salads
    - Eat more fish
    - Start a strength regime
    - Get back to my pre-pill 59kgs!

    **Daisy - I'm 5'6 as well but only 167cms tall. At 173 cms you're more around the 5'8 mark...you're a tall girl! If you'd like a site thats australian but also has metric to imperial conversions for height and weight have a look at www.fitsmart.net

  • Ok here it goes:

    ~1500 minutes of exercise total
    ~Strength training program at work 3 times a week (M,W,F)
    ~Continue eating fish once a day
    ~At least 3 liters of water a day
    ~Get down to 144 pounds (at least)
  • I want to see 200 lbs, and I am going to do it.
    I am at 220, which is the highest I've been in 4 years. I was so depressed when I stepped on the scale
  • Quote: At 173 cms you're more around the 5'8 mark
    thanks. i have been meaning to change it for a while. i did the inital conversion to just feet, not feet and inches (if that makes sense).

    thanks for the site though - looks great!

    sorry to hijack the thread guys
  • October Goals:

    Just 23 days until I start my new job which means I need to get my butt in gear! Here are my goals:

    • Do not drink my calories
    • Have a deficit of 3500 cal/week
    • Two fruits or veggies/day
    • All food logged into nutridiary
    • Breakfast everyday

    • Run 3 times per week
    • 100 jacks/day
    • 10 flights per day
    • 50 crunches/day
    • 10 mins stretching/day
    • Cardio 5 times/week
    • Strength train once/week

    I am looking to get my healthy fit working it like it's going out of style lifestyle back on track before I make my new start!
  • 1. exercise 6 times a week (except the week I'm on vacation)
    2. drink 8 cups of water a day
    3. eat 1,000 calories during the week, and no more than 1,500 on the weekends
    4. get to 144 lbs (148 right now)

    (I would be stricter, but I'll be on vacation for 4 days visiting family and I know I can't be AS strict while I'm there.)
  • My goals for this month are:

    Lose 5lbs.
    Exercise consistently.
    Keep my house clean!
    No pickles! I'm sooo swollen, you'd think i'd learn a lesson.
    Eat LOTS of veggies!