Getting a grip!!

  • uncontrollably for a few years...and BAM.....I added 70 pounds without any effort! Geez louise....I gotta get a grip! I, like so many here, have been a life-long dieter.....except for the last few years. Now I'm really depressed and have a humungus fear of bumping into someone that hasn't seen me in a few years.....I think that started when I did bump into a lady I hadn't seen in a while and she actually said 'wow, I didn't recognize you, you got so fat'. Really and truly she said that!!

    Well, my fellow dear dieters.....I am going to do this. I am going to be 52 in November, married....2 kids (my son is a policeman-little stressful for poor me!)

    Wish me's going to be a bumpy ride!
  • Best wishes to you! I hope your journey is smooth. This board is full of awesome support.

  • Hi! I wish you all success! I avoid the term "luck" because I don't think that has much to do with it. It is all hard work and commitment... but it CAN be done!
  • Hi Tisha, glad you joined..... I just joined also and need to get some weight off....

    where did you get the little measuring weight tape?

    Let's get going