Big stores, small jeans!

  • I went to the mall yesterday, halfheartedly shopping for new jeans. My size 14 that I got for work in June that were TIGHT are now loose on me!! So I figured I could go to a 12 and that was it.

    Walked into Aeropostale, salesgirl asked if I needed help...said 'no thanks, y'all probably don't even have anything to fit me'. I saw nothing below a size 9/10!!!! I decided to try those anyways, just to see how far I had left to go!

    Felt stupid, specially after I told the salesgirl that I couldn't fit those sizes...but I tried anyways!

    They're snug, but I FIT IN A 9/10!!!!!!! I don't think I've worn that small of a size since I was in middle school!!! Maybe, MAYBE early high school! I'm 29 freakin years

    Of course, I bought em...hehe. So I've gone from a comfy 16, tight 14 to a tight 9/10, comfy 12 in 5 months? Not too shabby considering there's almost 30lbs gone! I've just gone down in sizes extremely slow!


    Oooooh...another thing I was excited about, an older man at work stopped to talk to me one night and asked how my baby was doing (she's 4) and then said 'you only have one, right?' I said no, she's the youngest of 3, he said really? You're in great shape for having 3 kids, do you go to the gym? LOL. Then he didn't believe my age! 2nd time that's happened lately! I got guessed at 22 by another guy at work! Feels great!!!
  • Yay Kim! You deserve BIG cheers!!! I am so happy for you!
  • That's great!! WTG!!
  • That's so awesome! Congrats! I'm 29 too... I probably haven't been in a size 9 since I was 9. lol Looking forward to it though!

  • That is SO great! The same thing just happen to me and I know how it made me feel so I am sure that you were walking around all day with a smile!!!
  • wow!! congrats!! i cant wait to be there too!!!!
  • That is so great! Oooohhh, small pants feel good
  • Kim, WTG on that shopping trip. I'd have bought them too.
    Congrat's on the NSV's.
  • yay thats awesome!! well done
  • Awsome!!! Wtg!
  • Way to go I love when that happens, going down a size is one of the best NSVs I think.
  • Thanks everyone! You girls around here have kept me on track!! Just coming here to read helps sooo much even though it's not face to face! I don't have the energy to post all the time, but I'm reading!
