Need a buddy- trying to lose about 30 lbs

  • Hey everyone...after having a baby in June, I am now trying to lose the extra weight from before the pregnancy and the weight I gained during. I have done Weight Watchers before and loved it! I had lost 20 lbs when I got pregnant. Now, I have continued my subscription to WW online.

    I'm not working right now, just taking care of and enjoying Connor. I'm on the internet a good bit so I'd like a buddy that is too. I hate cooking but have been doing alot more of it lately. I like to find different recipes. I hate cooking the same thing often. I have a George Foreman grill which has been a life saver.

    There are some differences in the choices i make now and the choices i made when dieting before. I don't buy junk food at all. My "junk food" is these 2 pt packs of chips that imported here from the UK. They settle my cravings for junk without being high in points. I think they make them in Sunflower oil. My husband Nic and I don't eat fast food anymore. When we eat out, we go to an Italian restaurant that has healthy choices. When I have been hungry...mostly from boredom...I eat a banana. Somehow it works.

    I'm in the Middle East so I don't have all the same food choices as in the States. We do get Lean Cuisines, Smart Ones, etc.

    If anyone is interested in getting/giving support...let me know
  • Congrats on the new baby! He shares a birthday with my daughter, she is 3 now. I also have a son who will be a year on Oct. 16th. I am a calorie counter, which is working for me I tend to eat the same things everyday. I mix it up here and there and now I am finding myself calorie zig-zaging, though unintentional I think is a plan I can live with for the rest of my life. I just like everyone have good and bad days, this way I incorporate my bad days into my average and I don't feel guilty for not staying on track. I also drink water like crazy. I try to drink 80-100 oz a day and I can tell the difference when I don't drink enough; on the other hand I also can tell when I have had too much water. Good luck with WW, I know there is a big WW Section here. Good luck on your journey.
  • Congrats on the baby! I am new here too and I am looking to a little over 30lbs. I am trying to get rid of the baby weight as well!
  • Hey girls...thanks for the replies! I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back on here. Sometimes the website doesn't load. I think its something with our internet over here. I don't know what to do when I can't read the posts everyday. This website is a huge help.

    Jcatron- I too am a creature of habit when I find foods that I like and that are on plan. I have been eating BLT's lately with Turkey bacon, FF mayo. They're awesome. I think my downfall is potatoes. So, whenever I get a craving for French Fries, I bake some frozen fries. It satisfies my cravings.

    Stacia- What plan are you doing??