Newbie saying hello

  • Hi, I just wanted to say hello as I'm new to these parts. I am hoping that this forum turns out to be a huge help for me. Seems I can get motivated for a day or two but that's it. Well, that's it for now.
  • OK KRISTYNA...lets do it ....I have been a member for three weeks..I weigh in tomorrow.....have you done welll?????
  • oh its Bajachick again...I weighed 226.6 when I started...lost 11.6 in 3 weeks..weigh in tomorrow lets do it!!!!!!I better start writing my weight down I keeo forgeting what I lost.....Have lost 11.6 so far....
  • can do this!!! this site is amazing and can make all the difference in the world between success and failure!! Having a support group behind you cheering you on to success and picking you up when you slip will keep you going and going till your reach those goals!! I know you can do it, and you arent alone!!! Good luck to you in your journey!!
  • Know the feeling of only being motivated for 2 or 3 days..I have got to say these boards keep it very interesting and I have learned so much in only a week. Just keep checking in on these boards and they will definitely help you to stay on track.
  • Welcome!

    I just joined these forums last week and they've really already given me some great support and good tips...and motivation. I know you'll do great!