Hello from Coastal South Carolina

  • Hello!

    Looking for support as I start for the last time I am sure a way of life that will lead me to being healthy.

    I just turned 44 yesterday, and quite frankly, my body feels every bit of those years, but I decided that it doesn't have to.

    In 2002 - 2003 I managed to lose 60 pounds. Now I haven't weighed myself in about a year, but I know I have gained every bit of it back and probably more. I am going to face that demon tomorrow morning as I step on the scale for the first time.

    I need support. That is why I am here. This looks like a great bunch of people. Some have made remarkable progress. I want to be one of those.

    So hello everybody!!!

  • I'm 44 too, and I know that feeling too. You've made a good first step by coming here. It's a great place for encouragement, support, and inspiration.

  • Thank you for the welcome fiddler.

    Well I got on the scale this morning and it actually wasn't as bad as I thought! :lol

    I am going to change my profile to reflect it, then I am going to delve into this forum.
  • Welcome! I don't normally check this section, but your title caught my eye. I'm from Camden, South Carolina! Longing to get back home too!!

    Glad you found the site, it's a great one! Support any time ya need it, from people that understand all of it!

    Hope you're enjoying the weather! I'm stuck in Connecticut, and we're getting cold coming through now I so miss home!
