Tai Chi And/or Shiva Rea

  • So I'm wondering, do you guys know of any good Tai Chi DVDs? Also, I'm looking at getting Shiva Rea's Yoga Shakti and Yoga Trance Dance DVDs, and wondered if anyone knew much about those. Thanks!
  • Ummm...nobody?
  • love...love...love shiva rea...very good yoga, well worth every penny you spend on it. never get bored because you can mix up what you do. It does get a little advanced at points, but it is real good at showing the modifications....
  • Nikaia - I have a great T'AI CHI for health DVD. Full 2 hour program. Yang Short Form with Terence Dunn. It is very easy to follow and very informative. I bought it a Wal-mart. Hope you like it .
  • Thank you guys!
  • I love Shiva, but I think Yoga Shakti is pretty tough. It isn't a good one to learn with IMO. Trance Dance is mostly free form dance so anybody can do that. Another to consider is Dance the Chakras with Ravi Sing and Ana Bret, they are my most favorite yogis, you can get their vids on amazon, I own them all! They do Kundalini Yoga which is a little different but a lot of fun.

    I have read that it is harder to learn Tai Chi from a video than in person for several reasons. I have tried a few videos and I didn't like any (!) so I can't help you there.

    Good Luck!