Doing it this time

  • I'm a 17 year old girl at college in the u.k. I've always had a problem with my weight and been pretty self concious. I never had the will power to do something about it even though i knew i was fat. Untill the other day at college (It's also a secondary school so kids are there from the age of 11) this little kid was pushed into me by his friends as a 'Joke' well yes they laughed and i carried on walking to lesson. However as i walked away i overheard "Oh my god she could have eaten me whole!" I'm not angry at that child for hurting my feeling because he's the start of a whole new lifestyle change for me and things can only get better! I now swim a mile everyday and also go to the gym. My diet could use some improvement but its getting it (help of my mum) and with that combination i could be onto a winner. every person on here is inspiration to me, thankyou :-) and thanks for reading xoxoxox