Moderation & Motivation!!!! Loozing Floozies #89

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  • Just like the title of this thread says, we're committed to motivating each other through our times of moderation!!! (Some of us need more motivating than others--me! me!)

    This is a great group of ladies, and if you're looking for a group to join, we could be it!!!

    Stop by and visit for awhile--we always welcome newbies and visitors!
  • How's that for a short and sweet opener? Y'all were posting so fast on the old thread I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get a new one started!!!!!

    Shelley, dear, thank you so much for keeping our exercise thread going! I've go to mosey on over there before I leave here today!

    Gayle, the butt kicking definately helped! Getting my pa-tootie back in line this week, for sure. Luckily, I didn't gain any weight because of my week-long binge--maybe because I did really well over the week-end?

    NO CINNAMON BUNS FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ya know, since there seem to be so many of us on line right now, I wish we could chat!

    What should be call Tuesday? I like the idea of naming every day of the week!

    Allison, great choices in wine. I'm not a big RS fan either. Have you tried Menage a trois red? It is a blend of cab, zin and merlot. Really nice for under $15.00. Also have you heard of Trove? It comes in a 3 liter box, equal to 4 bottles of wine. It is a premium box wine. The cab is really nice for the price and it will last forever because of the seal. You should be able to find a box of it for under $25.00, making each bottle only $5.00-$6.00.
    I'm trying to cut back on my wine intake too...knida hard when we are always sampling new product for the store! LOL!

    Shelley, your doing AWESOME! Keep it up!

    Where is our moderation monday gal? Suzy, you wanna come out and play?

    Monica, I love stained glass too! So far I have made a window section for our front door and then just a few sun catchers. I'm not sure how I would do under taking a large project. The most fun is when I get to pull out the soldering gun! I also want to learn glass bead making! If I could only mold my artistic challenges to one subjuct and then focus on that instead of 20 different things at once!
    Got baby yet? Smiles!

    Cheryl, I think it would be fun to set up a chat for one of these evenings! I'm game whenever it works with everyone else!

    Janice, are you finding relief yet with the shot?

    Dee, how is Dez? Did you get the room finished?

    How's everyone doing? I'm staying motivated and have been doing a good job at eating in moderation (so far) today. We bought a "new" antique dining room set last week and picked it up today, so I'm busy shuffling furniture around the house today.

    Here's my idea for tomorrow..."Turn it up Tuesday". Take whatever you have been doing and turn it up a notch. Cut a few more calories, drink one less soda, drink one more glass of water, go a little longer on the treadmill, do a few extra sit-ups...whatever, just turn it up!
  • GREAT IDEA SUZY Q!!! I think you should offically be in charge of naming our days of the week! Could we have wine Wednesday please?????? LOL!
    The dining set sounds lovely! I'm happy for you. It is always so nice to add a new addition to the home.
    For turn it up Tuesday, I plan to turn my eating plan up a notch and make sure that anything going in my mouth will be healthy.

    Did you all hear about Steve Irwin? The croc hunter on animal planet? How sad, killed by a freak accident. Prayers go out to his wife, kids and family.
  • Hey Cheryl, did you get my snake pic??
  • I love the idea of naming the days! So far, I am following Moderation Monday! Not sure about Turn it up tuesday, as I am back to work, but will try to drink one more water and one less soda while there. Won't be able to turn up the exercise there tomorrow, will probably be swamped with kids wanting to change their schedules.
  • My turn it up Tuesday will be to drink more water! Naming the days of the week is a great idea!
  • "Turn it up Tuesday" it is then! I made it through the day with lots of moderation and now I'm really motivated! I did pretty well staying away from sugar today...I only had one gingersnap after lunch and then another one after dinner, so tomorrow for "Turn it up Tuesday" my goal is to go sugar free for the day. I'll put my thinking cap on and see what I can come up with for Wednesday.

    That's so sad about Steve Irwin! He had so much life ahead of him. My prayers are with his family.
  • On to day 5 of Core for me! Good for you, Suzy!

    Well I am already drinking 6 bottles of water, so another one and I'll never leave the bathroom !!!! Must be I'll do a whole Richard Simmons tape today, after my walk, which is where I am going now since my walking group is here.

    Off for now, will try to get back later.

  • TURN IT UP TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I will kick it up a notch by eating only healthy food choices today! Wishing everyone much success!!!

    Great job Shelley staying on plan!~

    Suzy, have a great sugar free day!

    Monica, come out of the bathroom long enough to post to us, K?

    Debi, have fun back at work!
  • Yea--Turn it up Tuesday is here!
    See, don't I sound excited?

    I'm turning it up by going back to the gym today!

    Y'all are such a great group of gals--I don't know what I'd do without y'all!
  • YAY FOR CHERYL!!! Getting her bootie back to the gym! Do you still have the hottie trainer working there? You is ok to look......just don't try copping a will get you into trouble every time. LOL!!!!

    Dont'cha all just love my humor?
  • So far so good for Tuesday. I had a healthy breakfast and have a great salad on hand for lunch.

    I have not heard of those two wines, I'll look for them AFTER I've lost my 4 pounds for the month!!!