Ultimate Houston 2006

  • To be filed under tales of the unbelievable.

    I have been over weight most of my adult life. A few years ago, I realized that if I did not get fit and healthy, I was going to probably die and leave my young daughter without a Dad. I started working on eating healthy and exercising. Now, I am a computer geek my trade and I was not a jock in High school. This was something new for me to say the least. LOL

    Anyway, the reason I mention all of that is - the Houston Chronicle does Ultimate Houston every year that comes out in the paper mid September. The guy that is my workout partner and I were selected as the Ultimate Workout partners for 2006. They did the photo shoot a few weeks ago and the interviews.

    I don't think anyone in the world could have been less likely to step foot in a gym a few years ago than I was. It has been one interesting journey so far. I hope I can find a way to help others reach their fitness goals. It has really been an eye opening experience for me into what is possible and the potential that I think all of us have - even if we don't tap into it for a long time.

    Anyway, I have made a number of friends here and thought I would post about it. If you see the 2006 Ultimate Houston guild in the Chronicle - see if our article made it in the paper. That took some really funny pictures of us working out. If you don't live in Houston (and most of you don't) they have an online edition and it should be there as well in a few weeks.
  • Wow! 316 pounds lost??? Way to go, Charles... I am so impressed. I'll find the link to the Houston Chronicle and keep my eyes peeled for you and your partner... Nicely done.
  • Keeping my eyes out! You have done a wonderful thing for yourself Charles.
    Just wonderful!
    Miss Chris
  • Quote: Keeping my eyes out! You have done a wonderful thing for yourself Charles.
    Just wonderful!
    Miss Chris

    Anyone that has Klingon in there signature is #1 in my book!
  • That's fantastic!!! What a wonderful compliment to be recognized in this way!
  • That is awesome Charles! Post link to the magazine when you get a chance!
  • Charles -

    Congrats! How wonderful to be acknowledged so publicly for all your hard work. I'll look for that special insert in a week or two!