Hypoglycemic and going quietly out of her mind!

  • Hi,
    I could really do with some help - last year I was told by the Dr that I'm hypoglycemic, and I've 162lbs to lose and am finding it hard toughing it out alone and could do with some support and lighthearted banter to keep me going and keep me sane.
  • Back again...
    I loved the "A woman's random thoughts," Meme. It was the highlight of my day! I emailed it to a dozen women friends and my husband.

    I haven't been on here for nearly three weeks. I was too depressed about not losing, but then I thought, what is the point in being depressed? Just keep weighing in at WW and eventually something will stick. I think it is possible that one of my meds may be working against me in losing weight, but I'll just have to work harder to get around it.

    I have a very big event coming up, my son is getting married on 11/17 and I have the dress I want to wear. It was only worn once, to the wedding of my other son. That wedding took place in Germany, so only my son and his wife have ever seen the dress. I really love it, but I'm afraid to take it out of the closet to see if it still fits after 3 years. Please say prayers for me because tonite is the night I plan to try it on.

    Well, I have a roast in the crockpot for tonight and I want to stop at WW tonight and weigh in. Tomorrow I see the rheumatologist about some cortisone shots in my shoulders and knees, so I hope it gives me some relief. Wednesday I see the ortho surgeon to see if I can finally give up the crutches. I still can't walk distances with even one crutch, so I don't know what's going to happen (it's been a year since I broke my ankle). After that I go see my therapist...probably the best appointment.

    Well, I hope everyone is doing well--I didn't go back very far to see what's going on. I'll see who posts in the next few days.

    Gotta get back to work,

    Merridy in Baltimore
  • hypoglycemic too!
    I'm hypoglycemic, and that has always been a barrier to weight loss. Most diets are heavy on the carbs, and you and I both know what cereal and a banana do us three hours later. And high protein foods are usually very caloric. This time around (just started weight watchers last week; 3 lbs. lost-- 122 lbs. left to go.) I'm trying to stick to complex carbs. I found a great bread by Alvarado Bakers in California. It is a complete protein bread, and low in carbs. I have a slice with a tablespoon of peanut butter in the morning, and it holds me till lunch. Also, instead of potatoes, rice or pasta as a side dish, I use white beans. Much more complex, high in fiber, and only .5 point for two tablespoons. I find this really keeps my blood sugar stable, and I feel optimistic about the diet this time around. This new weight watcher's point system finally gives me the flexibility to eat what works for me. The old way required too many simple carbs, guaranteeing I would be starving and shaky by my next meal.
    You're not alone in that problem. Good luck to you!
  • Hi Judie, and thanks for the pointers. I've not tried weightwatchers, might give it go.

    But I have to say that yesterday certainly gave my sense of perspective a kick! One occasion when words simply are not capable of expressing what needs to be said.
  • Anyone on BuSpar?
    I think the BuSpar is making me gain more weight, but I'd like to know if anyone else has experienced this. I went on it about 2 months ago and I have been gaining nearly every week at WW yet I know I haven't changed my eating habits. I'm trying harder to conform exactly to the diet this week, but the constant gaining is very disheartening. I'll see my psychologist next week, but I really want to have some feedback from you guys.

    Thanks in advance,
  • Also Hypoglycemic
    Hi Folks!
    I am also hypoglygemic and was very glad to see this thread. I have to eat grain and beans every hour and 1/2 to 2 hours or else I crash and am useless. It is not easy to loose weight and exercise when you have to eat all the time.
    Good Vibes to us all.