Hi I'm New

  • Hi there, my name is Holly. I am new to this I am 33 and weigh 215 I started at 225 about a month ago. I was surfing the net and found this site. I never really tried to diet i am pretty active for my weight. My downfall is I love food and if I have alot of stress i eat. I have been commited to this for 1.5 weeks. I have been exersizing on a daily basis and i have cut down on my food intake and increased my water intake. Are mini goals more motivating?

    Heaviest - 225
    current - 215
    goal - below 200
  • Welcome!

    You've come to a great place for advice, support & encouragement!

    You CAN do this!!!

    All the best to you!

  • Hi Holly and Kim,

    I am new also. Been on the LAWL for two weeks and already feel so much better. I am setting mini goals for myself. At ten pounds I will have deluxe mani and pedi at the new fancy nail place nearby. Hope to be down by 30 by the holidays. Also, I love to shop for clothes, or will enjoy it as the pounds disappear, But I won't even go into the shops until I've dropped at least 20. I have clothes that will fit til then. Each time I drive by the mall I resist the urge to go in and have a peek. Not til I've lost 20!!! Also, I've started thinking about how powerful I can feel by resisting my urges. When I'm in the grocery store I prepare myself ahead of time. I actually talk to myself on the drive there. "Deb, you are doing great. You are strong and confident. You will be successful today". Then, when I'm walking by the cookies and baked treats calling out to me I look their way and say "Not today, fellas. I'm in control". I know I must sound like a lunatic, but this works for me. I have to be thinking of how this day will be a good day even before I get out of bed. I think it's called visualization. I visualize myself going through the day avoiding all temptations. It takes a lot of mental energy, but for someone who used to just grab things and inhale them, I find this is what I have to do.
    Have a wonderful day, Ladies!!
  • Oh, and Holly, you look amazing! What a huge difference. You must feel light on your feet now! I am looking forward to feeling that way. Nice work.