Need Motivational Buddy

  • I have used this forum before and it worked for me. I went from 175 (BTW... I am 5'2" and 22) to 146, so I am very excited. However, I can't seem to loose the last lbs (my goal is anywhere from 115-130). What is worse is that I am taking my last semester and taking 7 classes; therefore, I will not have much time to exercize. I am looking forward to being slim for when I start my student teaching (next semester). So I am looking for someone who is in school and knows where I am coming from. I also need someone who can keep my motivated.

    I wish you all luck in your efforts. Thanks for reading!!!

  • Welcome back to 3FC! I suggest the Featherweights forum. It sounds right up your alley. Click here.
  • Welcome back!!!!