old friend back again- THIS time for GOOD!

  • I was a member about a year ago now- on lowcarb- under username KandiA I believe, getting ready for my wedding, started with 204 and went down to 175.

    I swore when I got to ONEderland the last time that was going to be the LAST time! I was really satisfied with my progress and my looks finally and I was fitting in a size 12! well, as my username and weight tracker suggests, I went back up. Life sorta happened. First off the "upcoming" wedding is now a year and a half past and I lost that motivating factor, I changed jobs (I used to go to curves on my lunch hour and now I only get 30 mins for lunch and 45 min commute), my husband changed jobs and shifts and now works the night shift (only 3 nights a week though). we pass each other for 30 minutes in the evening and that's it the days he's working. We have a 13 year old son, who I know I could leave home to go to the gym (Curves) in the evening but by the time I get supper cooked and clean up, they're closed. Excuses I know. I do have a gazelle (clothes hanger ) at home and I started doing that for 30 minutes each night and drinking my water again. (I did my 64 ounces today)

    I don't even know why I did this to myself again! I just remember how good I felt when I was smaller and fitting into trendy clothes (I'm 26), how much better I felt after a good workout, or a good day of eating and sticking to the carb limit. I loved the positive comments - "you look great what have you been doing"- "you've lost a lot of weight haven't you?" and last week I got a "you're getting hips again" from a "girlfriend" and "do you still go to curves?" from my own dad. HELLO!? i know I've gained weight- thank you for pointing it out to me, I didn't know!

    Going to take it slow for now- but would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be in Onederland again in 1 month 9/22/06. that's 11 lbs.

    I know I can count on 3fc for support.