Is this pretty nervy - or what?!

  • Nature started screaming at me the other day. So, I got up from my desk and went to the ladies room in this building. Now, please keep in mind that I went in there with a specific purpose in mind.

    This woman in the next stall asked me to hold it until she was done with her cell phone call!

    I only wish my performance would have been more eventful.

  • I would have flushed the toilet Immediately.
  • OMG, I can't beleive she had the audacity to ask you to put your business on hold. Perhaps she could have done the same!

    We have a lady on our floor that is an executive that makes personal and business calls from the bathroom stall ALL THE TIME. Its so disgusting to me, and if I hear her in there, I make an extra point to flush twice, three times, etc. Its rude to the person on the other end and to everyone else in the bathroom that just wants to finish their business and get out.
  • I would have said, VERY LOUDLY, "these are restroom stalls not phone booths."
  • LMBO!!! It is nervvy. She's lucky she wasn't next to me because I would have said "HUH?" then flushed without ever knowing why. This way is much funnier though.
  • Agh!! I have this problem all the time. I work at a university and the students ALWAYS talk on the phone in the bathroom. It grosses me out!!! I flush excessively too
  • Too bad you weren't gassy
  • Quote: Too bad you weren't gassy
    OMG...that's TOTALLY what I was thinking...LMAO!
  • That's EXACTLY what I meant
    Quote: Too bad you weren't gassy
    I just wish my performance had been more eventful.

  • Ooh, this is such a pet peeve of mine. I can't stand it when people use their cell phones in restroom stalls. Particularly because it can cause confusion if you don't realize the person next to you is talking on the phone.

    But I agree, she was very rude. She could have gone outside, to her car or any number of places to have her conversation.
  • I worked in a call centre and once had a customer using the washroom while talking with me...heard him flush,,,but don't think he washed his hands...have to say I was gaggy... and had to put him on hold a couple of
    Personally I would of just laughed at the woman and said riiiiiiiight. Flush.