Over 50 Newbie & Glycemic Index.

  • I just signed up. I'm 55, female, and currently weigh 314. I am 5 feet tall.

    I am going to Borders this morning to pick up the Glycemic Index book by Rick Gallop.

    Is anyone following the GI diet?

    I have fibromyalgia, so I'm looking to figure out some way to get exercise in on a daily basis ... but don't want to exercise one day and spend three days recovering from it. Any help in this area will be greatly appreciated.

    I HAD Type 2 Diabetes until I got it under control (but only lost 20 pounds doing it). My doctor took me off medication last Wednesday.

    I had PCOS. That was resolved when I was 23 ... total hysterectomy.

    I only have one kidney (born that way), so I only have one adrenaline gland (makes having normal energy impossible).

    I have no pictures. Heck, the only mirrors in the house are in the bathroom (it helps me avoid seeing anything from the neck down). I have a web cam and I'm going to see if I can figure out how to use it to take still pics so I can have a basis for comparison. Is it possible to get still pics from it?

    I need help. I don't want to die before I've had a chance to be happy.
  • Good Morning! I'm not following GI, but I did do a little reading on it yesterday, very interesting stuff but also confusing. I wanted to say Congrats for getting the Type 2 Diabetes under control!! Thats a great thing!!

    We dont want you to die either!! You've come to the best place out there for support! I'm a member of a pretty amazing support group and I know it helps me daily to stay the course that I need to, to get fit and healthy. You should join us, here's the link


    I'm pretty sure it's possible to get still pics from a webcam but I couldnt begin to tell you how. Hopefully someone can!

    Good luck to you on your journey to a healthier, happier you!! I hope you pop over and say hi to the group! We'd love to have you!! You can do this!! You deserve it!! Congrats on taking the first steps!!
  • Hey, I started the South Beach Diet today. The diet was created by a cardiologist who wanted to find a diet he could put his patients on. He ended creating that diet. It's based on the glycemic index, so I think we are following the same diet. I would be happy to share ideas, tips, recipes, motivation, you-name-it. Feel free to pm me or send me an e-mail. As for excersise-I'm not to familiar with fibromyalgia-but maybe water aerobics? You don't have to go all gung ho, but it is easier on the body. Once I find out more about the disease, I'll try and come up with something else for ya. Or maybe someone here will know. Anyways, welcome to the group.
  • Matrishka

    Welcome to the board! You are doing great so far, awesome! My mom has diabetes too and it can get worse (as it did for her)... awesome that you've kept it at bay and it will only improve as you lose more weight I'm sure.

    Depending on the type of webcam you have, it takes still pictures in different ways. if you have your manual of course that is the first place to look for the answer. Do you know which brand and model it is? Mine which is a logitech, has a button on top you can press (but the cam has to be active first) and it will take a snap from the button. There are just SO many models but as far as I know they will all take a still image, you just have to figure out how. Some have a little utility that comes with it, and it shows your preview image (the video image which would be broadcasted) - sometimes there's a 'take a picture' feature in there.

    As far as exercise goes, you could look into perhaps Tai Chi as a starting point, and see how you do with that. They suggest Tai Chi is a great exercise for people with special situations like yours. You can probably borrow one from your local library and see if you like it before committing to buying one.

    Welcome again to the board and nice to see you here!

    ~ Angie