Hi from imloooney!

  • Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a 40yo mom of 1 (9yo daughter). I'm trying to get back into cardio/weights and stumbled onto this website. Sounds great. And I can use some motiviation. I have a few goals. I do have about 20 lbs to lose. So that is one. But I was lifting weights a few yrs ago and fell off the wagon. I'm ready to start back because I felt soooo good when I was lifting and I want to tone up overall. In reading the posts I've seen so far, you all sound great!! I do have a question for anyone with advice to share. I will be going to a gym for some of my workouts. But does anyone have any workouts they go thru at home. Say a 30min routine. I was just looking for something quick for the times when I can't make it to the gym or if the gym is closed. I look forward to hearing from you !!
  • Hi and welcome. It sounds like you will fit in very well with the "Ladies Who Lift" there's lots of great info there. And great folks.
    Have you been to www.stumptuous.com. Krista is wonderful and has lots of things you can do at home.