Big brother 7 all stars

  • Is this a popular show? does anyone watch it?

    I happened upon it the other day.

  • I watch it!! Love my Big Brother!! I'm not hardcore in the sense that if I miss it one night, I won't tape it or anything. But if I'm home, I'll definately turn it on!
  • I watch it, except for Sundays, usually doing something else when it is on. I watch is because nothing else is on in the summer and my hubby is at work so I get my reality fix!! Go James!!! Can't stand Janelle.
  • This is the only program that dh and I watch together. We have regular BB dates.
  • I love BB too. Did you guys hear that they had to redo the HOH competition last night because the lights and buzzers werent working right? Janelle is the new HOH. I LOVE IT!!
  • go Jani!

  • Quote: I love BB too. Did you guys hear that they had to redo the HOH competition last night because the lights and buzzers werent working right? Janelle is the new HOH. I LOVE IT!!
    Really!? I thought Howie did buzzer in and also thought the look Julie's face at the end indicated something weird was going on, but am surprised they'd redo the whole thing. Did they have more questions?
  • If you go to they have all the spoiler pages and the live feed summaries. I dont pay for the feeds now I just read what happened the night before on there. Most of them post word for word what happened the night before. James true colors have been proven on there many a time.
  • James is a bitter man who rationalizes his hate for Janie by saying they turned on him last yar--It was actually Kaysar that said James needed to go before Maggie and Howie put James and Sarah up and that is what lost the game for them--Janie and Racheal were against it.

    I get the live feed spoilers from Joker's Updates and the way they all except George and Howie bash Janelle borders on slander. I think Danielle got the coup thing and that gives her serious power hopefully Janie will be prom king/queen and give her an edge since everyone in the house wants her out.

    I know that Janie will not make it till the final three unless a miracle happens, but it will be interesting to see what Will/Booger & James/Danielle do to each other.
  • I love this show, but I always forget that it's on 3 times a week!
  • you can go to and actually watch all the episodes if you missed any. They are posted the day after - I almost like to watch them there more because there is basically no commercials....

    I am not the one to typically root for the blonde bimbo but I have to admit I think Jani should be the winner. She actually plays the game, is really apparently smarter than she appears and she wins the competition. Maybe she doesnt win the popularity contest but she wins everything else.

    I dont like James deceitfulness and I dont like the fact that evil wins more than it should but I know that is all apart of life.

    I never watched a Reality Show until a few years back when I was being good one summer and laying in bed reading since there was nothing on. My hubby was channel surfing and came across BB. All of the sudden he comes upstairs and turns on the tv to watch this for "just a second". He could believe how much of a jerk Josh was. Then we started watching just to see them vote Josh off.... Like 5 weeks later they finally did - but then we were hooked.... Thanks Hubby!!!!!

    Since I was hooked I had to hook my neighbor - we now how little BB nights. We take turns cooking dinner then watch the gives you something to do during the summer...
  • Hey what's new at bb7?