This is crazy

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  • I have thought about posting this for several days... but I couldn't decide if I wanted to or not because it seems silly.

    But I find that working out sometimes raises my stress level overall. I mean you always here that working out does decrease your stress level. And I find it does help me let go of the day.

    But I work out after work (I hate mornings) and now I get home an hour later and it just pushes me to get things done (dinner, house work etc). I have been sticking to my routine for about 3 weeks now and I just feel like I can't get everything done.. and that stresses me out and leads to negativity and I start to think bad things about myself.

    Do you ladies experience this? I mean I guess I could get up earlier and get somethings done.. but i just don't do mornings at all I don't want to sound like a whiner but if I dont find a work around its gonna be a setback eventually.. I can feel it
  • You are in your 20s and I don't know anything about your life. I will tell you that as a mom of 3 kids nothing is every "Done." Make a list of your normal chores and a workable plan. THEN decide what you don't need to do as often and rework that plan. At the beginning of the week, plan it. Be reasonable. After all, you need time for YOU as well. You don't have to be perfect or you will be like me and 31 and just tired of it all and not do a great job because I ran myself in the ground when I was in my 20's.
  • One more thing...When you grow older, what will you remember..the clean swept floor you can eat off of (likely you'll torture yourself instead because you won't be able to maintain it for life) OR the good life you lead with friends and family. Don't neglect your responsibiliites but do be more realistic wth them and give yourself some credit.
  • It sounds like you aren't thrilled about working out, or else you would look forward to your gym time each day!

    Just remember--you can't have your cake and eat it too. We all wish we could have more hours in the day, and some wish that spending an hour at the gym each day wasn't necessary. I actually enjoy the gym; I wish I could quit sleeping. You COULD 'destress' yourself by quitting going to the gym, but you know you will feel this feeling of GUILT, and then the pounds will start creeping back on, or you will get flabby again. It's up to you. Which is worse? Being a bit busier, or being unfit?

    Here's something I do. Those weeks when I am swamped and don't think I should go to the gym after work because I have so much to do, I skip my lunch break. I eat a sandwich at my desk while my boss isn't looking. Then, for my 30 minute lunch, I go on a very brisk walk. In my heels and all. I mean, I come back drenched with sweat, but it's a good workout. It would be even better if I had a lunch HOUR.
  • I carry a pedometer to work. It reminds me to move more and sit less!
  • I am 21 and I know how you feel. I get up at before 6, get ready for work and don't get home until at least 5:30. The last thing I want to do is work out - but I used to love getting up early and doing it (that was before I started working an hour early - I put in an extra hour of work everyday, that was before I got a puppy, and before I moved into my new house).

    There isn't enough time, and I never want to exercise anymore... so I don't. Maybe this is the wrong idea, but I just eat less. I know I need to exercise to get the body I want but right now there is too much going on in my life. My boyfriend and I moved into a new place about a month ago, I just got a puppy a week ago, I feel like I am always cleaning and looking after the puppy.

    If it is stressing you out - STOP! I know I stress myself out thinking of everything I have to do. I feel the only break I get, is the 10 hours at work everyday. It is more relaxing for me to work then be at home. You don't need to be stressed out. Take a break for it. I will eventually get back into exercising (like walking my puppy when she has had all her shots) - but I will probably only do 3 days a week. I was doing 7 days a week for an hour and 20 min. I was burning myself out - I don't want to be burnt out, I am 20!!! (haha opps 21, but had to leave it cuz I think its funny that I forget how old I am! I just turned 21 btw)

    I am still losing with the eating less. Maybe not as fast as I was but I am at a happy place right now and the scale is still going down. That's all that matters to me.
  • These may not be as efficient but there are tons of ways to get more excercise without going to the gym.

    1. Get a Pilates ball and do some excercises while watching TV (my favorite is just sitting and bouncing on the ball..excercises those legs big time).

    2. Do a brisk walk around the parameter of the store before you start shopping.

    3. Do 10 min of stretches in the morning when you wake up (or when you get out of the bathtub and are more alert). These are gentle and a good vibrant way to start the day. Include some squats and handreaches.

    4. Wear a pedometer and aim to improve the number of steps you do. 10k is recommended for healthy life and 15k+ for weight loss.

    5. Spend the weekend with a girlfriend or boyfriend touring a tourist town or an amusement park.

    6. Go swimming and stay in the pool more than you lay out. OR go tubing.

    7. Spend 15 min of your lunch hour on a walk. Maybe even drag a friend with you and increase it to 30 minutes. I work for a school and walk the parameter of the playground during recess while keeping an eye on the kids.

    8. Buy a sit and stroll stationary bike that goes under your desk and do it while watching tv. (the cheap manual ones are no good)

    9. Put some extra Oomph in your chores. They burn calories too.

    10. Sleep. Sleeping burns more calories than sitting and watching tv. Plus it is restorative.
  • Quote: 10. Sleep. Sleeping burns more calories than sitting and watching tv. Plus it is restorative.
    Hmm, are you sure about this last one? I wouldn't think so, and even in calorie-calculating programs, adding hours of sleep reduces the number of calories you burn in a day, even when you have your lifestyle set as sedentary or bed-bound.
  • Quote: Hmm, are you sure about this last one? I wouldn't think so, and even in calorie-calculating programs, adding hours of sleep reduces the number of calories you burn in a day, even when you have your lifestyle set as sedentary or bed-bound.

    I read it in an article somewhere. I'm not a scientist so I could be wrong. Sedentary or bedbound is not SLEEPING but would be considered a couch potato.
  • The advice above is great. I am in the same boat as you though, slimming down. I hate to exercise anyway. My life seems SO hectic after work the last thing i want to do is add one more thing that i really dont like doing anyway. I just wanted you to know, you arent the only one that has too much to do after work as it is...then you add exercise, which i already dont like and it is more likely that i will clean the kitchen and wash a load of clothes than exercise. But by the end of the week...the scale knows whether i exercised or not and frankly, so does my body. I feel a lot better when i bite the bullet and is just the getting around to exercise that is hard for me. So i just wanted you to know, i feel your pain and it is crazy.
  • The only time I go to the gym is when my excercise buddy does (coworker). During the summer she wasn't available (work at a school). I get 1 person in free every time I go. We avg 2 times a week. I find that when I go shopping at an outlet mall and have a purpose (only shoe stores), I walk fast and hard going from one store to another and accumulate 17k steps. Not shabby and I don't mind calling that excercise cuz it beats me sitting on a couch all day.
  • I have heard that sleeping burns more cals that watching tv too. Something about your body going into a sort of transe during tv and your brainwaves slowing to nothing but while asleep your brain waves are actually working quite hard to regenerate cells etc.

    I loved your 10 ideas Smart. I try incorporating a lot of extras without the trip to the gym.
  • Thanks for all the great responses.
    I do like going to the gym... its just after a couple of days the feeling of being overwhelmed sneaks up on me. I think its because I put too much pressure on myself. I definately need to focus on progress and not perfection!!!

    Maybe I will try some of your tips Smart. Then try to make it to the gym 3 days a week instead of 5-7.
  • Do you need to work out for an hour? Try working out at a higher intensity for only 30 minutes, rather than for an hour. My trainer definitely thinks 30 min for only 3 days a week is sufficient for cardio. If you are doing weights, do fewer reps at a higher weight. Invest in a workout DVD that you can do at home, to cut out travel time to and from the gym. Or try jogging/walking around the neighborhood or jumping rope for your cardio a couple of times a week instead of the gym.

    What about working out on weekends and taking two days off during the week?

    Look into hiring someone to clean the house once a month or every two weeks. It would free up some of the time you spend on housework.

    If this is at all a possibility, explore teleworking from one to two days a week with your boss. Losing those commute hours can free up time to exercise.

    Invest in a cookbook of quick and easy meals, and do prep work on the weekends, so meal prep during the week is easier.

    I also use my workout as a stopping point for my workday. My job is such that my day doesn't have a set start and stop. I can easily work 10-12 hours a day if I'm not paying attention. And for a long time, that's what I was doing. But ultimately, that's not a good work-life balance. By having a workout scheduled at the end of the day, it forces me to prioritize what really needs to get done at work and also gives me a hard stop to the day. It's really helped to bring some balance back to my life.

    I also am not in any way a morning person (if left to my own devices, I would go to bed at 2 or 3 AM and not get up until noon), but now that I've been working out for a year, I find that I do sometimes enjoy getting up early and working out in the mornings. I never in a million years thought I would do this but it helps energize me for the day, the gym is quieter and I don't have to wait for the equipment I want, it is great to know I have my workout out of the way, and I can feel smug about it all day. I actually feel more refreshed and awake once I'm through the workout and starting my day and I don't notice the lack of sleep (and, it's amazing, when I'm not sleeping so late, I can get more accomplished during the day--it's like whole hours have been added to my day). I do think working out regularly has increased my energy level, so that it is easier to get up in the morning. So maybe after you've been exercising regularly for a few months, you might try a couple of AM workouts to see if you still feel the same way about them.

    - Barbara
  • Quote: I have heard that sleeping burns more cals that watching tv too. Something about your body going into a sort of transe during tv and your brainwaves slowing to nothing but while asleep your brain waves are actually working quite hard to regenerate cells etc.
    A quick Google gave me both responses...some sources that stated similar to the above, and some that even said sleeping is the only activity that burns FEWER calories than watching tv. Meh, in any case, I'm pretty sure I won't be sleeping myself thin anytime soon (although how nice would that be?!), and I'm also pretty sure that people complaining about being so busy aren't watching a whole lot of tv

    Other tips here have been GREAT. One thing I can definitely suuport is PLANNING ahead. This doesn't only mean scheduling activities, but also, as briefly mentioned, preparing food ahead of time and doing what you can to make your usual evening chores not last as long. I'm not sure what it is you do each night after work, but I know I cook dinner every night, and I never let it take more than 20 minutes (that is time spent actually in the kitchen--I may have something in the oven for longer, but I don't have to stand there and watch it cook ). I defrost chicken and put it in a bag with a marinade the night before (takes what, 2 seconds to take the chicken out of the freezer and set on the counter overnight, then another 2 minutes to put the chicken in a big Ziploc bag and dump some sauce on it and put it in the fridge to marinate while I'm at work all day). Then all I have to do is dump the chicken in a pan and pop in the oven when I get home. Then I make some quick frozen veggies or instant brown rice or something equally as quick and easy, and voila! dinner is served.

    I also pack my lunches for the week on the weekends so during the week, I just grab something out of the fridge or freezer to take to work, and it's already prepared. Same with snacks--I was on the phone with my sister yesterday, so while I was just talking, I went in the kitchen and washed and hulled 2 pounds of strawberries, so now they're sitting in a container in the fridge ready for snacking. All the little things add up

    Maybe to add to the great list you've already gotten:
    • take stairs instead of elevators, even if it's only a couple flights (i.e., you live on the 16th floor and take the stairs as far as you can, then get on the elevator the rest of the way)
    • park further from the entrance of your office/home/store