Guess What? (OT)

  • Sorry to post this on its' own thread, but I am so excited, I just had to share my news.

    My friend and I are starting our own buisness. Nothing huge. We are going to clean houses here on base and off- base for people PCSing or just in need of a clean house. It is a job that will have me moving on my feet for at least 4 hours every day we do it. We plan to do 2-3 houses a week. I am very excited. Maybe this will also help my weight loss. Hey, it can't hurt it!

    P.S.- Can any of you think of a cool name for our buisness?
  • Christy~That is so cool!!!
    We own two businesses and as much work and stress as it is, it's also great! I can't imagine working for someone else anymore!

    Good names....well, here's a few (I'm feeling a bit witty~~yea, right!)

    Home Improvements
    Crystal Clean
    Have Shine Will Travel
    Maid Perfect

    Okay, I said witty, not creative!

    Best of luck Christy! Keep us posted!


    PS~Does this mean you won't have time for anymore of those great recipes????
  • Hey! Thanks MamaJ! Those are great names. I like Crystal Clean the best. I'll have to run that by my partner!

    About the recipes.... I will definitely try to crank out some more. I am always trying to think of something new to make. Just ask my husband!!! LOL! By the way, did you ever try my Cinnabon Latte?
  • Christy~I haven't tried the cinnamon latte yet. I printed it out. I've got to admit that it's so hot in Houston that by 7:30-8:00 I'm already doing ice water. But in the cooler months it sounds like a keeper!

    Next week I'm doing your chicken!

    I really do appreciate the time you take to convert the recipes to LC!

  • Good Luck
    Good luck with your business, I am sure it will be great!!!