Old Newbie... Back for another try!

  • Hi all! I'm not new to WW since I lost 65 pounds from 2/01-12/03 and then maintained until 8/04. But then I had two surgeries and felt I could eat all the comfort foods I wanted. And there started a downward spiral. I gained back 45 pounds of that 65 and feel awful.

    On top of that we just did Invitrofertilization (IVF) in June and it was successful (after 6 years of ttc)!! But then I lost the baby last week at 8 weeks. So, now I'm ready to get back on the wagon. I'm lost and depressed about the baby, but the last thing I need is to bury myself in more comfort foods and more weight. So, I've decided to use my hurt and frustration and turn it into my motivation to lose this unwanted weight. I told my dh that my goal is to lose at least 30, but I'd rather lose 40 pounds by my original due date which is 3/2/07. I know I can't make the heartache go away, but I can do something about the weight.

    So, it's time to get back into the swing of things. In the meantime, I'm on a journey to find my willpower and my happiness (although I know that I'll have to do more than just lose weight to be happy again). I would love some buddies to chat with along the way if anyone's interested! Otherwise... I just wanted to say I'm here and although a bit uncertain, I'm ready to be a big LOSER!!!
  • First, I just want to say I am so sorry about the baby. Next, I want to say welcome. This is a great place for support and encouragement. You've already done it once, I know you can do it again! Good luck!
  • Bobaloola: Welcome!!!! Sorry to hear about your baby, I know that is tough.
    I'm glad you decided not to wallow in the pain and do something productive.
    Losing weight will help to boost your self esteem. Also exercise, helps me to relieve stress and depression. If I feel down, and even don't want to exercise, by the time I walk for 30 minutes or do some exercise, I feel a lot spunkier.
    Come join us on the Labor day challenge. There are so many good post. Just start trying a few on for size. The more you involve yourself the more you get out of it here.
  • welcome!!!
    im so sorry about the baby and i think you are a very brave woman to use your pain to turn it into motive! that initself is a major accomplishment!!
  • Bobaloola
    So very sorry about your baby. I also have miscarried, and I know some of your pain. You have a great outlook! Good luck and I'm in for support!!