Anyone tried the 3 day diet?

  • Hi,

    My sister in law told me about this diet and said that you would lose 10pounds in 3 days. That seems a bit impossible to me. Has anyone else tried this diet? And how healthy would this be for you?

  • Umm I have heard of it... but I think the 10 pounds that you are supposed to loose is water weight. Otherwise, I think it would be impossible or at the most improbable.
  • I've heard of it. Similar to the Hollywood diet. I've never tried it but I think also that you would be loosing water weight if anything.
  • Is that the diet where you eat hotdogs and icecream everyday? LOL my mom used to do that one... It's just SERIOUSLY restricted calories. I think any weight you'd lose from it would be water weight.
  • Yes, for the weight to actually be fat, not water, you would have to burn about 35000 more calories than you eat over those 3 days. Even without eating anything, and with my daily maintenance being about 2500 cals/day - that would still leave well over 9,000 cals/day to be burned through exercise. At my weight that would be a 6 1/2 hour vigorous workout on a stationary bike or a 55 mile walk at 4 mph each day.

    On an empty stomach, mind you....
  • Hi guys,

    That is what I though but I wanted to make sure it wasn't a miracle diet or something.

  • lol, no such thing as a miracle diet, that's how they reel people in. Read Mrs. Jim's thread about her big weight loss secret.
  • yeah, it would be physically impossible for it not to be all waterweight.
  • Any plan that advocates losing 10 poundsd in 3 days is seriously dangerous and very unhealthy!
  • If you are referring to the diet that was supposedly backed by the American Heart Association, then the following link should be helpful. This was posted on the AHA website