Rockin' a Twelve!

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  • So I called myself a 14. Because if I lay down flat, I could zip a 14. I guess quite technically I was a 16, but if I didn't breathe, I could muffin-top a 14. So that's what I claimed, (even if it's not what I wore, LOL.)
    Yesterday, I had this pair of capris in a size 12 that haven't fit me since the year 2003BC. (that would be Before Claire, not Before Christ.) I pulled them on just to see, and they fit. Sit-in-a-seat-and-not-turn-blue fit, not just "I zip, therefore I am" fit. A real 12. I didn't even have to hold my breath to button 'em.
    Size 10, look out, now!
  • Congratulations!! That is wonderful ~ I'm hoping to be right behind ya sista!! Thanks for the motivation
  • Congrats! I'm very aware of all the games we can play with our brains.

    By the way, I have to say I love your humor "I zip, therefore I am!" You make me laugh quite frequently. Thanks for that!
  • YAyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for you! You are doing really well!

  • Yay!!! That's awesome!
  • thats awesome! what a great feeling!
  • that is such a great feeling!
    someone once posted on this site somewhere that she was proud of everyone who has "gotten into one size smaller pants." i'm sure a lot of people have never felt that feeling before! congrats!!
  • muffin top? I like that!! You must be feeling awesome. It'a always a great feeling when we fit into clothes that we hadn't in a loooong time. I'm with you right there and still trying to fit into my 18's (that sounds so big compared to your 12's lol) Keep it up!!!
  • Congrats Candice! You better get ready for those 10's sounds like you are on your way.
  • Congrats Candice!! That's great!! Look out size 10!! In no time you'll be there!
  • Hey way to go! You are unstoppable!

    Shake it like ya mean it...
  • Congrats! Lol, if "I zip therefor I am" is true then by golly I'm a 14 already hehe. Not far though. I get the "muffin top" going on if I try to wear them now. Lol, love your terminology!
  • Way to go! That's such a great feeling.I know I was completely ecstatic the first time I was able to stuff myself into a 12
  • Oh good job!
  • congratulations candice! your commentary is spot on and i definately empathise with you.

    keep up the good work